Aleksey Rakov
Aleksey Rakov
- show self / target - display template based classes - debugging template based classes - DebugController::loadDebugModule should use LibraryManager to avoid code duplication - display message - call stack...
- simplify stack allocated object check - gc fine-tuning, promote the part of YG to MG if it survive several collecting cycles
system'dynamic'ClosureTape class should support closure invoke method with variadic argument list
Various optimizations - optimize interface dispatch implementation (interface template) - optimize external call routines - optimize equal generic implementation (in basic module) - optimize wideConvertor / literalConvertor - optimize CallStack...
A new sorting algorithm should be implemented - quickSort
- Elementary cellular automaton - Zebra puzzle - Write float arrays to a text file - Word search
Nested classes around self variable should be compiled as a wrapper, so in some cases they can be used without actually creating them
The following operations should be optimized : - comparing handler with a numeric constant - comparing char with a numeric constant