git-to-solr copied to clipboard
Index git history into a Solr repository
Index git history into a Solr repository. Represents commit's content (file changed, etc) as nested documents. Tested against Solr 4.9 .
Inspired by Gary Sieling's solr-git and JGit-Cookbook.
Start Solr server by running java -Dsolr.solr.home=<project-root>/solr -jar start.jar from Solr distribution's example directory.
bin/solr create_core -c git -d ~/Projects/git-to-solr/solr/collection1/
To build the jar, you need to use Apache Maven and run mvn clean compile assembly:single at the top of the directory (where pom.xml is)
Query examples: http://localhost:8983/solr/git/select?q={!parent+which%3D%22type%3Acommit%22}diffType%3AADD&wt=json&indent=true&fl=,[child%20parentFilter=type:commit] (decoded) http://localhost:8983/solr/git/select?q={!parent which="type:commit"}diffType:ADD&wt=json&indent=true&fl=,[child parentFilter=type:commit]
Show commit (parents) that have ADD operations in them, include all nested children (whether they are ADD or MODIFY or whatever).
- Average number of different operations (ADD/MODIFY) per commit