graphize copied to clipboard
A bugs about the visualized area
Thank you author, this is really a very novel, interesting and practical project. I found a problem during the use process. Here I recorded:;
- When there are too many content, it cannot be displayed, as shown in the figure.; Guess is that after the content exceeds the screen visualization area, it will not be displayed
"adminSettingUsers": {
"EditpasswordPlaceholder": "请输入新密码,留空密码不变",
"alertText": "账号之间的数据不互通",
"appName": "账号管理",
"currentUseUsername": "当前账号",
"deletePromptContent": "你确定删除{name}({username})?",
"formRules": {
"passwordLimit": "6-20个字符",
"roleRequired": "请选择角色",
"usernameRequired": "请输入账号且大于5个字符"
"passwordPlaceholder": "请输入密码",
"pblicText": "公开",
"role": "角色",
"setOrUnsetPublicMode": "设置/取消公开访问",
"userCountText": "共{count}位用户"
"api": {
"loginExpires": "登录状态已过期,请重新登录"
"apiErrorCode": {
"1000": "未登录",
"1003": "用户名或密码错误",
"1004": "账号已停用或未激活",
"1005": "当前无权限操作",
"1006": "账号不存在",
"1007": "旧密码错误",
"1200": "数据库出错",
"1201": "请至少保留一个",
"1202": "未找到数据记录",
"1300": "上传失败",
"1301": "上传失败,不被支持的文件格式",
"1400": "参数格式错误"
"appLauncher": {
"title": "系统应用"
"apps": {
"about": {
"QQGroup": "QQ交流群:",
"QR": "二维码(推荐)",
"addQQGroupUrl": "点击添加",
"appName": "关于",
"author": "作者:",
"checkUpdate": "检查新版本",
"discussions": "交流社区:",
"donate": "🧧打赏",
"frontVersionText": "前端版本号",
"issue": "建议反馈:",
"viewUpdateLog": "点此查看更新说明"
"baseSettings": {
"appName": "风格设置",
"bottomMargin": "下边距",
"clock": "时钟组件",
"clockSecondShow": "显示秒",
"configFailed": "配置保存失败,{message}",
"configSaved": "配置已保存",
"contentArea": "内容区域",
"customFooter": "自定义页脚",
"customImageAddress": "展开图片链接输入框",
"detailIcon": "详情图标",
"hideDescription": "隐藏描述信息",
"hideTitle": "隐藏标题",
"leftRightMargin": "左右边距",
"mask": "遮罩",
"maxWidth": "最大宽度",
"netModeChangeButtonShow": "显示网络模式切换按钮",
"publicVisitModeShow": "公开模式允许显示",
"resetWarnText": "确定要重置这些样式吗?",
"searchBar": "搜索栏组件",
"searchBarSearchItem": "允许搜索栏搜索项目",
"searchBarShow": "配置已保存",
"show": "显示",
"showTitle": "显示标题",
"smallIcon": "小图标",
"systemMonitorStatus": "系统状态组件",
"textContent": "文本内容",
"topMargin": "上边距",
"uploadOrDragText": "点击上传替换图片或拖拽到框内",
"vague": "模糊",
"wallpaper": "壁纸"
"common": {
"notFound": "抱歉,应用加载失败,请尝试刷新页面或者清除浏览器缓存"
"exportImport": {
"appName": "导出导入",
"errorConfigFileFormat": "配置文件格式不正确,无法导入",
"errorConfigFileLow": "配置文件版本过低,无法兼容",
"export": "导出配置",
"fileModified": "文件被修改过,谨慎导入",
"import": "导入配置",
"moduleIcon": "图标配置",
"moduleStyle": "样式配置",
"selectExportData": "请选择要导出的配置数据",
"selectImportData": "请选择要导入的配置数据",
"softwareVersionLow": "当前软件版本可能过旧,很有可能无法兼容该配置文件,请谨慎导入。推荐将软件更新到新版后再次导入",
"tip": "导入图标配置数据不会清空现有图标数据",
"transmuteStandard": "浏览器书签转换工具",
"warnConfigFileLow": "配置文件版本过低,但是兼容"
"itemGroupManage": {
"appName": "分组管理",
"deleteWarnText": "你确定删除此分组[{name}],删除后此分组应用图标将丢失?",
"groupName": "分组名称"
"uploadsFileManager": {
"alertText": "你可以在这里管理你上传过的壁纸和图标",
"appName": "上传文件管理",
"copyFailed": "复制失败",
"copyLink": "复制链接",
"copySuccess": "链接复制成功,可以在图标地址栏",
"deleteWarningText": "删除后无法恢复,你确定要继续吗?",
"fileName": "原文件名",
"infoTitle": "文件详情",
"nothingText": "你还没有上传过任何图片",
"path": "文件路径",
"setWallpaper": "设置为壁纸",
"uploadTime": "上传时间"
"userInfo": {
"appName": "我的信息",
"theme": "主题",
"themeStyle": {
"auto": "跟随系统 ",
"dark": "深色 ",
"light": "浅色 "
"common": {
"action": "操作",
"add": "添加",
"addSuccess": "添加成功",
"appName": "Sun-Panel",
"backgroundColor": "背景颜色",
"cancel": "取消",
"confirm": "确定",
"continue": "继续",
"delete": "删除",
"deleteConfirm": "你确定要删除吗?",
"deleteConfirmByName": "你确定要删除{name}吗?",
"deleteFail": "删除失败",
"deleteSuccess": "删除成功",
"description": "描述信息",
"download": "下载",
"edit": "编辑",
"editFail": "编辑失败",
"editSuccess": "编辑成功",
"export": "导出",
"exportSuccess": "导出成功",
"failed": "操作失败",
"icon": "图标",
"image": "图片",
"import": "导入",
"importSuccess": "导入成功",
"inputPlaceholder": "请输入",
"inputPlaceholderByText": "请输入{text}",
"language": "语言",
"leastOne": "请至少保留一项",
"networkError": "网络错误,请稍后重试",
"nikeName": "昵称",
"no": "否",
"noData": "暂无数据",
"password": "密码",
"refreshPage": "请刷新页面",
"repeatLater": "请稍后重试",
"reset": "重置",
"role": {
"admin": "管理",
"regularUser": "普通"
"save": "保存",
"saveFail": "保存成功",
"saveSort": "保存排序",
"saveSuccess": "保存成功",
"serverError": "服务器错误",
"show": "显示",
"sort": "排序",
"style": "风格",
"success": "操作成功",
"text": "文字",
"textColor": "文字颜色",
"title": "标题",
"unknownError": "未知错误",
"uploadFail": "上传失败",
"username": "账号",
"verify": "验证",
"warning": "警告",
"yes": "是"
"deskModule": {
"clock": {
"fri": "星期五",
"mon": "星期一",
"sat": "星期六",
"sun": "星期日",
"thu": "星期四",
"tue": "星期二",
"wed": "星期三"
"searchBox": {
"inputPlaceholder": "请输入搜索内容",
"openWithNewOpen": "新窗口打开"
"systemMonitor": {
"cpuState": "CPU状态",
"diskMountPoint": "挂载点",
"diskState": "磁盘状态",
"memoryState": "内存状态",
"progressColor": "主色",
"progressRailColor": "副色",
"systemState": "系统状态"
"form": {
"required": "必填项"
"iconItem": {
"add": "添加项目",
"currentPageLayerOpen": "当前页面弹窗打开",
"currentPageOpen": "当前页面打开",
"edit": "修改项目",
"getGroupFail": "分组信息获取失败",
"getIcon": "获取图标",
"geticonFail": "图标获取失败",
"iconGroup": "分组",
"inputIconName": "请输入图标名称",
"inputIconUrlOrUpload": "输入图标地址或上传",
"lanUrl": "内网地址",
"lanUrlInputPlaceholder": "http(s)://(内网模式,会跳转该地址)",
"newWindowOpen": "新窗口打开",
"onlineIcon": "在线图标",
"onlineIconLibrary": "在线图标库",
"openMethod": "打开方式",
"selectUpload": "本地上传",
"url": "地址"
"login": {
"loginButton": "登录",
"passwordPlaceholder": "密码",
"usernamePlaceholder": "账号",
"welcomeMessage": "欢迎回来!"
"panelHome": {
"changeToLanModel": "切换为内网模式",
"changeToLanModelSuccess": "已经切换到内网模式(模式状态仅保存在本地)",
"changeToWanModel": "切换为公网模式",
"changeToWanModelSuccess": "已经切换到公网模式(模式状态仅保存在本地)",
"goToLogin": "前往登录",
"openLanUrl": "打开局域网地址",
"openWanUrl": "打开公网地址"
"settingUserInfo": {
"confirmLogoutText": "你确定要退出登录吗?",
"confirmPassword": "确认新密码",
"confirmPasswordInconsistentMsg": "两次密码不一致",
"logout": "退出登录",
"logoutSuccess": "您已经安全退出,期待与你再次相见!",
"newPassword": "新密码",
"oldPassword": "旧密码",
"updatePassword": "修改密码"
click the Rerender twice or more, the board will change to suit