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Face Recognition project in PyTorch using CNNs

Face Recognition

Face Recognition using a CNN architecture.


Project uses Yale dataset as a demo, but is extensible to any face recognition dataset. Download Yale Face Database from here.


  • Do pip install -r requirements.txt to install all deps.
  • Get the database as mentioned above. Run python utils.py <yale_dataset_folder> <data_folder> to create train and val data from yale_dataset_folder into data_folder.
  • Run giftopng.sh <folder> to convert all the images inside the subfolders of <folder> into pngs.
  • Run using python main.py --data <data_folder> where data_folder contains folders train and val containing training and validation data respectively.
  • Inside train and val folders, program expects folder for each of the labels and these folder contains samples for these labels.


Add picture for the architecture and tune it.
