When viewing the Aleo Developer docs ([Mining Process Section](https://developer.aleo.org/advanced/posw/mining_process)), there is a typo in the heading "Security & Miner Size" as shown in the attached photo: , the contributor will sometimes be unable to join the queue. Meanwhile, the coordinator prints the following error: `Aug 15 16:33:24.735 ERROR aleo_setup_coordinator::api::contributor::heartbeat:...
Round restart PR #288 uses a locator_or_path enum for removing chunks. In the future, this could be refactored using only the Locator struct. See inline comment: https://github.com/AleoHQ/aleo-setup/pull/288/files#r670566403
Method for calculating signature size uses hard-coded values. We should properly calculate these and also add error-handling aleo-setup/phase1-coordinator/src/storage/storage.rs ``` impl Object { pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec { match self...
Unit tests in coordinator_state.rs are unfinished. In particular, the following functions have no associated tests. We need to implement tests for these as part of the broader test suite. aleo-setup/phase1-coordinator/src/coordinator_state.rs...
Fix the test for the try_lock function src/api/contributor/try_lock.rs ``` // TODO fix this test #[ignore] #[test] #[serial] fn test_try_lock() { initialize_test_environment(&TEST_ENVIRONMENT); let (client, coordinator) = test_client(&TEST_ENVIRONMENT).unwrap(); initialize_coordinator_aleo(&coordinator).unwrap(); let rng =...