
Results 12 issues of apruden2008

When viewing the Aleo Developer docs ([Mining Process Section](https://developer.aleo.org/advanced/posw/mining_process)), there is a typo in the heading "Security & Miner Size" as shown in the attached photo: ![Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at...

When attempting to write a new contribution, the coordinator should check that contributor hasn't exceeded the maximum allowable number of locks. Also, there is no check to ensure that a...

In the event that a participant is dropped, ensure that all tasks have been re-allocated appropriately and are accounted for aleo-setup/phase1-coordinator/src/coordinator_state.rs ``` // TODO (raychu86): Reevaluate this check. When a...

The Aleo setup ceremony is very complex piece of software with many moving internal parts: parallel processes running synchronously and asynchronously across different machines across a network. Verifiers and contributors...


Improvement to the database and statistics for Aleo Setup to power both the frontend and enable us to gather useful information about the ceremony.


When using the Dockerized version of the [contributor](https://www.notion.so/Contributor-Instructions-a81afcf9c43f49dba84db37c51ea6e53), the contributor will sometimes be unable to join the queue. Meanwhile, the coordinator prints the following error: `Aug 15 16:33:24.735 ERROR aleo_setup_coordinator::api::contributor::heartbeat:...


Round restart PR #288 uses a locator_or_path enum for removing chunks. In the future, this could be refactored using only the Locator struct. See inline comment: https://github.com/AleoHQ/aleo-setup/pull/288/files#r670566403


Method for calculating signature size uses hard-coded values. We should properly calculate these and also add error-handling aleo-setup/phase1-coordinator/src/storage/storage.rs ``` impl Object { pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec { match self...


Unit tests in coordinator_state.rs are unfinished. In particular, the following functions have no associated tests. We need to implement tests for these as part of the broader test suite. aleo-setup/phase1-coordinator/src/coordinator_state.rs...

Fix the test for the try_lock function src/api/contributor/try_lock.rs ``` // TODO fix this test #[ignore] #[test] #[serial] fn test_try_lock() { initialize_test_environment(&TEST_ENVIRONMENT); let (client, coordinator) = test_client(&TEST_ENVIRONMENT).unwrap(); initialize_coordinator_aleo(&coordinator).unwrap(); let rng =...
