appwrite icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
appwrite copied to clipboard

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Results 837 appwrite issues
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## What does this PR do? (Provide a description of what this PR does.) ## Test Plan (Write your test plan here. If you changed any code, please provide us...

### 👟 Reproduction steps I wish to be able to change a profile picture. Ideally, it would be nice to just use the update file api to that but this...


## What does this PR do? Adds new usage stats ### From influxdb - inbound - outbound - functions.functionId.builds - - functions.functionId.failures -> functions.functionId.executions.failures - functions.functionId.builds.failures - functions.functionId.compute build...

### 🔖 Feature description is it possible to set auto increment id (integer) or increment is with some prefix sufix? ### 🎤 Pitch i want to store invoice id in...


Does AW db support syncing devices? So devices can work offline, something like MongoDB Atlas, or [ahem] Firebase?


## What does this PR do? (Provide a description of what this PR does.) ## Test Plan (Write your test plan here. If you changed any code, please provide us...

## What does this PR do? 1. Handling cache files logic in a central place (app::init(), app::shutdown()). 2. Purging outdated cache files via deletes worker.

## What does this PR do? Appwrite uses bcrypt encryption. This PR adds support for more algorithms. This PR will make it possible to use multiple algorithms under the hood,...


### 👟 Reproduction steps I read this blog to setting linode object storage in appwrite .env file. _APP_STORAGE_DEVICE=Linode _APP_STORAGE_LINODE_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxx _APP_STORAGE_LINODE_SECRET=xxxxxx _APP_STORAGE_LINODE_REGION=xxxxxx _APP_STORAGE_LINODE_BUCKET=xxxxxx When i upload file this error show...


## What does this PR do? (Provide a description of what this PR does.) ## Test Plan (Write your test plan here. If you changed any code, please provide us...