appsmith copied to clipboard
ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 13 failed.
Sentry Issue: APPSMITH-4FQ
ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 13 failed.
at (error: (/app/cryptocurrency-price-tracker/page1-6274edab5984be5f5784ba8d/fusioncharts.excelexport.js))
at call (widgets/ChartWidget/component/index.tsx:485:30)
(22 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
Steps to reproduce:
- Drag a chart widget on canvas.
- Select custom chart in property pane.
- Add custom fusion chart with : "exportEnabled": "1", `{ "type": "column2d",
"dataSource": {
"data": [
"label": "Product1",
"value": 20000
"label": "Product2",
"value": 22000
"label": "Product3",
"value": 32000
"chart": {
"exportEnabled": "1",
"caption": "Sales Report",
"xAxisName": "Product Line",
"yAxisName": "Revenue($)",
"theme": "fusion",
"alignCaptionWithCanvas": 1,
"captionFontSize": "24",
"captionAlignment": "center",
"captionPadding": "20",
"captionFontColor": "#231F20",
"legendIconSides": "4",
"legendIconBgAlpha": "100",
"legendIconAlpha": "100",
"legendPosition": "top",
"canvasPadding": "0",
"chartLeftMargin": "20",
"chartTopMargin": "10",
"chartRightMargin": "40",
"chartBottomMargin": "10",
"xAxisNameFontSize": "14",
"labelFontSize": "12",
"labelFontColor": "#716E6E",
"xAxisNameFontColor": "#716E6E",
"yAxisNameFontSize": "14",
"yAxisValueFontSize": "12",
"yAxisValueFontColor": "#716E6E",
"yAxisNameFontColor": "#716E6E"
4. Check fusioncharts.excelexport.js is not loaded. The url is is wrong it would be of fusion chart coz of that chunk is not loaded.
Smartlook recording: This issue is crashing user apps, & he deleted his apps post crash
Thanks for the detailed analysis Rohit. If this is really crashing the use app, we should decide on the next steps faster
@dilippitchika this seems like a new functionality that fusion chart offers & we need to handle. Do we go that way, or think in a different direction?
cc @keyurparalkar
@somangshu the code rohit shared is working perfectly fine for me, it doesn't crash my apps. Can you check once?
same here @dilippitchika
@rohitagarwal88 can you please share the app?
Fusion chart on appsmith without export as XLSX option
Fusion chart on its website with export as XLSX option
@somangshu/ @dilippitchika : Somehow, not breaking app for me & I cannot find the smartlook recording where the app was crashing.
Anyways, we have to fix the chunk loading issue, so that the user gets the Export as XLSX option when "exportEnabled": "1",
@dilippitchika in your app can you see the xlsx option? Also please check the console for the above error if possible.
@somangshu can you check sentry if there are still these errors?
The issue is not found on sentry, May have gotten overridden by man event limit. We will have to wait and watch. Based on the above reproducible steps, is this bug still noticed?
No, it's not. I am closing it for the time being. Will see if we run into it again