ARCore-Location icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ARCore-Location copied to clipboard

Allows items to be placed within the AR world with real-world GPS coordinates using ARCore.

Results 45 ARCore-Location issues
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hi guys, i have a problem with permissions dialog not showing so the application crashes any help please

Hello All, Great work, I want to know how can we add a location marker on ground level as per the sea level. Like If landscape or location is on...

I use lib to show 3d object, but object all time rotated one side to camera, regardless of device position. If i chaned my position - object turned to me...

updated to the newest version 1.2 ... implementation "" implementation "" implementation "" implementation "" implementation 'com.github.appoly:ARCore-Location:1.2' Changed some code to the application running because some methods have been removed....

i try to running sample project from this page . i set the lat long where that is 300 M distance from me, that right, but the position of AR...

Markers ( rendered view) does not stay steady when mobile location changed.The marker move automatically. how can make it steady ?

I want to know if there is a way to show the number of objects that overlapping on each other if those objects have the same angle on the screen.

@johnwedgbury @johnwedgbury #20 Try this method, but it doesn't work This is what I want to achieve ![image](

The LocationMarker's setRenderEvent block calls after a long time When i add my custom layout ( too many UI components are available in layout ) using CompletableFuture and CompletableFuture.allOf(exampleLayout). So,...