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Official PyTorch implementation of GENESIS and GENESIS-V2
Genesis and Genesis-V2
This is the official PyTorch reference implementation of:
"GENESIS: Generative Scene Inference and Sampling with Object-Centric Latent Representations"
Martin Engelcke, Adam R. Kosiorek, Oiwi Parker Jones, and Ingmar Posner
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
"Reconstruction Bottlenecks in Object-Centric Generative Models"
Martin Engelcke, Oiwi Parker Jones, and Ingmar Posner
Workshop on Object-Oriented Learning at ICML, 2020
"GENESIS-V2: Inferring Unordered Object Representations without Iterative Refinement"
Martin Engelcke, Oiwi Parker Jones, and Ingmar Posner
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021
As part of these works, the repository also includes:
- a re-implementation of MONet from "MONet: Unsupervised Scene Decomposition and Representation" by Burgess et al.;
- a re-implementation of GECO from "Taming VAEs" by Rezende and Viola.
Clone the repository into, e.g., ~/code/genesis
git clone --recursive ~/code/genesis
We use Forge to save some legwork. It is included as a submodule but you need to add it to your python path, e.g. with:
# If needed, replace .bashrc with .zshrc or similar
echo 'export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${HOME}/code/genesis/forge"' >> ~/.bashrc
You can either install PyTorch, TensorFlow, and all other dependencies manually or you can setup up conda environment with all required dependencies using the environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate genesis_env
This repository contains data loaders for the three datasets considered in the ICLR paper.
A few steps are required for setting up each individual dataset.
We also provide a PyTorch wrapper around the Multi-Object Datasets used for the experiments on the Objects Room
dataset in the ICML workshop paper.
Generate coloured Multi-dSprites from the original dSprites dataset with:
cd ~/code/genesis
mkdir -p data/multi_dsprites/processed
git clone data/multi_dsprites/dsprites-dataset
python scripts/
NOTE: An RGB colour is sampled from 125 possible colours for each scene component. By default, multiple components in an image can have the same colour. This can lead, e.g., to a foreground object to have the same colour as the background so that the object is practically "invisible". A ground truth segmentation mask will still be associated with such an invisible object. If you want to avoid this, you can set --unique_colours True
during training to use an alternative dataset where each component in an image has a unique colour.
GQN (rooms-ring-camera)
The GQN datasets are quite large. The rooms_ring_camera
dataset as used in the paper takes about 250GB and can be downloaded with:
pip install gsutil
cd ~/code/genesis
mkdir -p data/gqn_datasets
gsutil -m cp -r gs://gqn-dataset/rooms_ring_camera data/gqn_datasets
Note that we use a modified version of the TensorFlow GQN data loader from ogroth/tf-gqn which is included in third_party/tf_gqn
You need about 30GB of free disk space for ShapeStacks:
# Download compressed dataset
cd data
wget -i ../utils/shapestacks_urls.txt
# Uncompress files
tar xvzf shapestacks-meta.tar.gz
tar xvzf shapestacks-mjcf.tar.gz
tar xvzf shapestacks-rgb.tar.gz
cd -
The instance segmentation labels for ShapeStacks can be downloaded from here.
Multi-Object Datasets
The repository contains a wrapper around the Multi-Object Datasets, returning an iterable which behaves similarly to a PyTorch DataLoader object.
The default config assumes that any datasets you wish to use have been downloaded to data/multi-object-datasets
As for the GQN data, this can be done with gsutil.
You can download all four datasets at once with:
gsutil cp -r gs://multi-object-datasets data/
Clone deepmind-research into, e.g., code/deepmind-research
git clone ~/code/deepmind-research
Download lift_green__demos 2
and stack_green_on_red__demos 2
using the script at deepmind-research/sketchy/
Put the data into ~/code/genesis/data/sketchy/records
with the contents of the folder being the actual tfrecord files.
Make sure the deepmind-research
is on your python path:
# If needed, replace .bashrc with .zshrc or similar
echo 'export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${HOME}/code/deepmind-research"' >> ~/.bashrc
Create a separate environment according to deepmind-research/sketchy/requirements.txt
# Leave current environment first if necessary
conda deactivate
conda create -n sketchy python=3.7
conda activate sketchy
pip install -r ~/code/deepmind-research/sketchy/requirements.txt
# Some additional dependencies
pip install torch==1.3.1 torchvision==0.4.2 tqdm pillow
You can now preprocess the data with:
python scripts/
conda deactivate
MIT-Princeton 2016 Amazon Picking Challenge (APC)
Dowload the "Object Segmentation Training Dataset" from the team's website via the download link (ca. 130GB).
Move the
file into ~/code/genesis/data/apc
and unpack it.
Preprocess the data by running:
python datasets/
You can train Genesis-v2, Genesis, MONet and baseline VAEs on the datasets using the default hyperparameters with, e.g.:
python --data_config datasets/ --model_config models/
python --data_config datasets/ --model_config models/
python --data_config datasets/ --model_config models/
python --data_config datasets/ --model_config models/
You can change many of the hyperparameters via the Forge command line flags in the respective config files, e.g.:
python --data_config datasets/ --model_config models/ --batch_size 64 --learning_rate 0.001
See and the config files for the available flags.
TensorBoard logs are written to file with TensorboardX. Run tensorboard --logdir checkpoints
to monitor training.
NOTE 1: If you train MONet with the default config flags, then the hyperparameters from our ICLR paper are used which are different from the ones in Burgess et al.. If you want to use the training hyperparameters from Burgess et al., then you need to add the following flags: --geco False --pixel_std1 0.09 --pixel_std2 0.11 --train_iter 1000000 --batch_size 64 --optimiser rmsprop
NOTE 2: The Sketchy results in the GENESIS-V2 paper use a different GECO goal than used in the other experiments. It is necessary to override the default value to reproduce these results, which can be done by adding --g_goal 0.5645
as a training flag.
To compute the FID score for a trained model you can run, e.g.:
python scripts/ --data_config datasets/ --model_config models/ --model_dir checkpoints/MyModel/1 --model_file model.ckpt-FINAL
Similarly, you can compute the segmentation metrics with, e.g.:
python scripts/ --data_config datasets/ --model_config models/ --model_dir checkpoints/MyModel/1 --model_file model.ckpt-FINAL
You can visualise your data with, e.g.:
python scripts/ --data_config datasets/
python scripts/ --data_config datasets/
python scripts/ --data_config datasets/
python scripts/ --data_config datasets/ --dataset objects_room
Scripts for visualising reconstructions/segmentations and samples are available at scripts/
and scripts/
, respectively.
Pretrained models & results
Checkpoints of pretrained models are available here.
Generation and segmentation metrics of the released model checkpoints are summarised in the following table:
Model | Dataset | FID ↓ | ARI-FG ↑ | MSC-FG ↑ | ARI ↑ | MSC ↑ |
GENESIS | Multi-dSprites | 25.0 | 0.57 | 0.69 | - | - |
GENESIS | GQN | 79.4 | no labels | no labels | no labels | no labels |
GENESIS | ShapeStacks | 235.4 | 0.71 | 0.64 | - | - |
GENESIS-V2 | ShapeStacks | 108.1 | 0.80 | 0.66 | - | - |
GENESIS-V2 | ObjectsRoom | 53.2 | 0.82 | 0.61 | - | - |
GENESIS-V2 | Sketchy | 212.7 | no labels | no labels | no labels | no labels |
GENESIS-V2 | APC | 232.2 | - | - | 0.55 | 0.65 |
Other than varying the number of object slots K
, models are trained with the same default hyperparameters across datasets. Generation and segmentation performance can be improved by further tuning hyperparameters for each individual dataset. For example, Dang-Nhu & Steger 2021 achieve better segmentation performance on Multi-dSprites using smaller standard deviations for the conditional likelihood p(x|z) and a smaller GECO reconstruction target. The authors also achieve good results on CLEVR6 using this implementation with custom hyperparameters.
NOTE: Results can vary between individual runs. It is recommended to perform multiple runs with different random seeds to obtain a sense for model performance.
Further particulars
This source code is licensed under a GNU General Public License (GPL) v3 license, which is included in the LICENSE file in the root directory.
Copyright (c) University of Oxford. All rights reserved.
Authors: Applied AI Lab, Oxford Robotics Institute, University of Oxford,
No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided.
If you make use of this code in your research, we would appreciate if you considered citing the paper that is most relevant to your work:
title={{GENESIS: Generative Scene Inference and Sampling with Object-Centric Latent Representations}},
author={Engelcke, Martin and Kosiorek, Adam R and Parker Jones, Oiwi and Posner, Ingmar},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
title={{Reconstruction Bottlenecks in Object-Centric Generative Models}},
author={Engelcke, Martin and Parker Jones, Oiwi and Posner, Ingmar},
journal={ICML Workshop on Object-Oriented Learning},
title={{GENESIS-V2: Inferring Unordered Object Representations without Iterative Refinement}},
author={Engelcke, Martin and Parker Jones, Oiwi and Posner, Ingmar},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09958},
Third party code
This repository builds upon code from the following third party repositories, which are included in the third_party folder:
- tf-gqn (Apache v2 license)
- shapestacks (GPL v3.0)
- sylvester-flows (MIT license)
- pytorch-fid (Apache v2 license)
- multi_object_datasets (Apache v2 license)
The full licenses are included in the respective folders.
We welcome contributions via pull requests. Otherwise, drop us a line if you come across any issues or to request additional features.