appium-safari-driver copied to clipboard
Safari stops executing commands while running remote iOS tests
Hello, I am using the SafariDriver to run tests remotely on a WebApp using Appium, Selenium and Pytest. The tests work without issues while running them on Windows (Chrome, Firefox, Edge), Android Chrome Remote and MacOS Safari. Meanwhile I'm encountering an issue while trying to log in into the WebApp using Safari on iOS.
It looks as follows: During the setup function i execute a type command on the account field to write "User is being created..." just for clarity and so that the NewCommandTimeout doesn't get exceeded while creating an user, which always works and has no issues. After the user is created, i reload the login page and try to do this:
NavigationFunctions.open_url(sb, LoginPage.URL)
sb.type(LoginPage.ACCOUNT_FIELD, user_session.user_being_tested['email'])
sb.type(LoginPage.PASSWORD_FIELD, user_session.user_being_tested['password'])
While running this test, it always gets stuck after printing 1 and doesn't produce anymore output until Appium says that the timeout has been exceeded, after that it prints the 2 and gets stuck for a long time again but never prints the 3 and doesn't type anything into the fields, just gets stuck in an endless loop of timing out as you can see at the end of the logs.
My appium logs can be found here:
I'd appreciate anyone that could point me in a direction on how to fix this issue.