appium-mac2-driver copied to clipboard
how can I find the component after multi App is launch
In my scenario, I need to open different apps, such as settings and notes, then I will find and click on the component in settings, and then go to notes to find and click on the component. I found some the question, When I launchApp settings firstly, and launchApp notes secondly, I can find component of notes, but can not find component of setting even if setting ui is visible on the screen
Does the page source shows the most front app only? this driver depends on XCTest framework. I wonder if the XCTest framework can find elements/interact with elements that is on the top. Coordinate-based interaction would work for all cases, though.
this is my test demo
def test_startMultiApp(driver): time.sleep(2) driver.execute_script('macos: terminateApp', { 'bundleId': '' }) time.sleep(2) driver.execute_script('macos: terminateApp', { 'bundleId': '' }) time.sleep(2) driver.execute_script('macos: launchApp', { 'bundleId': '' }) time.sleep(2) sourceSetting = driver.page_source file = open("launchSetting.txt", "w", encoding='utf-8') file.write(sourceSetting) file.close() # find notify notify = driver.find_element(by=AppiumBy.IOS_PREDICATE, value='value=="通知" and elementType==48') time.sleep(2) driver.execute_script('macos: launchApp', { 'bundleId': '' }) time.sleep(2) sourceSetting2 = driver.page_source file2 = open("launchSettingAndiCal.txt", "w", encoding='utf-8') file2.write(sourceSetting2) file2.close() week = driver.find_element(by=AppiumBy.IOS_PREDICATE, value='label=="周" and elementType==10') time.sleep(2) notify = driver.find_element(by=AppiumBy.IOS_PREDICATE, value='value=="通知" and elementType==48') time.sleep(2)
I add source and appium log appiumLog.txt launchSetting.txt launchSettingAndiCal.txt
I think I get some advice form this: But I have a question now, If I call launchAPP or activeApp repeatedly, what is the error code? Is this a recommended procedure?