appium-desktop copied to clipboard
Got response with status 500: {"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"*** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil"
i am using appium gui of version 1.22.0 , xcode 13.2.1 , device os 15.2 for ios mobile real device testing. i can able to launch the app after launching , if i performing the click action , i am facing [__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil...
explored regarding this and created the break points in xcode then i got due to -> [XCAXClient_iOS interruptingUIElementsAffectingSnapshot:checkForHandledElement:containsHandledElement:]_block_invoke + 1012\n\t6 XCTestCore 0x000000010516fff0 -[XCTContext _runActivityNamed:type:block:]
Could you share the full log to understand the situation? One possible issue is by Apple XCTest internal stuff. Appium 1.22.1+ has a trick to hack the behavior to work...
Did you try out appium 1.22.1+?
I am not get the 1.22.2 appium version...
here is the logs
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m Waiting until the server is closed
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m Received server close event
[info] [35m[Appium][39m Welcome to Appium v1.22.0
[info] [35m[Appium][39m Non-default server args:
[info] [35m[Appium][39m allowCors: true
[info] [35m[Appium][39m address: localhost
[info] [35m[Appium][39m relaxedSecurityEnabled: true
[info] [35m[Appium][39m allowInsecure: {
[info] [35m[Appium][39m }
[info] [35m[Appium][39m denyInsecure: {
[info] [35m[Appium][39m }
[warn] [35m[Appium][39m You have enabled CORS requests from any host. Be careful not to visit sites which could maliciously try to start Appium sessions on your machine
[info] [35m[Appium][39m Appium REST http interface listener started on localhost:4723[debug] [35m[HTTP][39m Request idempotency key: faa6289e-1ee0-475e-bace-5072c8d8126d
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m-->[39m [37mPOST[39m [37m/wd/hub/session[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m{"capabilities":{"firstMatch":[{}],"alwaysMatch":{"appium:app":"/Users/msh/Downloads/Walgreens 46.1.ipa","appium:automationName":"XCUITest","appium:deviceName":"iPhone 11","appium:noReset":true,"appium:udid":"00008030-001A11520147802E","platformName":"ios"}}}[39m
[debug] [35m[W3C][39m Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [null,null,{"firstMatch":[{}],"alwaysMatch":{"appium:app":"/Users/msh/Downloads/Walgreens 46.1.ipa","appium:automationName":"XCUITest","appium:deviceName":"iPhone 11","appium:noReset":true,"appium:udid":"00008030-001A11520147802E","platformName":"ios"}}]
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'newSessionRequested' logged at 1641892499577 (14:44:59 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[Appium][39m Appium v1.22.0 creating new XCUITestDriver (v3.53.1) session
[info] [35m[Appium][39m Applying relaxed security to 'XCUITestDriver' as per server command line argument. All insecure features will be enabled unless explicitly disabled by --deny-insecure
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Creating session with W3C capabilities: {
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "alwaysMatch": {
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "platformName": "ios",
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "appium:app": "/Users/msh/Downloads/Walgreens 46.1.ipa",
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "appium:automationName": "XCUITest",
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "appium:deviceName": "iPhone 11",
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "appium:noReset": true,
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "appium:udid": "00008030-001A11520147802E"
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m },
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "firstMatch": [
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m {}
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m ]
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m }
[warn] [35m[XCUITest][39m 'platformVersion' capability ('undefined') is not a valid version number. Consider fixing it or be ready to experience an inconsistent driver behavior.
[info] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Session created with session id: 0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Current user: 'msh'
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Available devices: 00008030-001A11520147802E
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Creating iDevice object with udid '00008030-001A11520147802E'
[info] [35m[XCUITest][39m Determining device to run tests on: udid: '00008030-001A11520147802E', real device: true[info] [35m[XCUITest][39m No platformVersion specified. Using device version: '15.2'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1641892499676 (14:44:59 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Using local app '/Users/msh/Downloads/Walgreens 46.1.ipa'[info] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Will reuse previously cached application at '/var/folders/bv/xn3p1ghj34bg5bhhykmgq7kh0000gn/T/2022011-7612-zfu7r8.ycjd/'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1641892500552 (14:45:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Checking whether app '/var/folders/bv/xn3p1ghj34bg5bhhykmgq7kh0000gn/T/2022011-7612-zfu7r8.ycjd/' is actually present on file system
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m App is present
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Getting bundle ID from app '/var/folders/bv/xn3p1ghj34bg5bhhykmgq7kh0000gn/T/2022011-7612-zfu7r8.ycjd/': 'com.usablenet.walgreens'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1641892500564 (14:45:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Reset: fullReset not set. Leaving as is
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1641892500564 (14:45:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Using WDA path: '/Applications/Appium Server'
[info] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Using WDA agent: '/Applications/Appium Server'[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Crash reports root '/Users/msh/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/ravi’s iPhone' does not exist. Got nothing to gather.
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1641892500773 (14:45:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[XCUITest][39m Setting up real device
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Verifying application platform
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m CFBundleSupportedPlatforms: ["iPhoneOS"][debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m App 'com.usablenet.walgreens' is already installed. No need to reinstall.
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'appInstalled' logged at 1641892500945 (14:45:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m No obsolete cached processes from previous WDA sessions listening on port 8100 have been found
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Requesting connection for device 00008030-001A11520147802E on local port 8100, device port 8100
[debug] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Cached connections count: 1
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Found cached connections on port #8100: ["00008030-001A11520147802E:8100"]
[warn] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Port #8100 is busy. Did you quit the previous driver session(s) properly?
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Trying to release the port
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Releasing the listener for '00008030-001A11520147802E:8100'
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Closing the connection
[info] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m The connection has been closed
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Port #8100 has been successfully released after 3ms
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Successfully requested the connection for 00008030-001A11520147802E:8100
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Starting WebDriverAgent initialization with the synchronization key 'XCUITestDriver'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m WDA is not listening at ''
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m WDA is currently not running. There is nothing to cache
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Trying to start WebDriverAgent 1 times with 10000ms interval
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m These values can be customized by changing wdaStartupRetries/wdaStartupRetryInterval capabilities
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'wdaStartAttempted' logged at 1641892501037 (14:45:01 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Launching WebDriverAgent on the device
[info] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m WebDriverAgent does not need a cleanup. The sources are up to date (1632535255000 >= 1632535255000)
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Killing running processes 'xcodebuild.00008030-001A11520147802E' for the device 00008030-001A11520147802E...
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m 'pgrep -if xcodebuild.00008030-001A11520147802E' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Beginning test with command 'xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Applications/Appium Server -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=00008030-001A11520147802E IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=15.2 GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0 COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO' in directory '/Applications/Appium Server'
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Output from xcodebuild will only be logged if any errors are present there. To change this, use 'showXcodeLog' desired capability[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Waiting up to 60000ms for WebDriverAgent to start
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Parsed BUILD_DIR configuration value: '/Users/msh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-aghlrsejdreqngftgvcqwnjgrbou/Build/Products'
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Got derived data root: '/Users/msh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-aghlrsejdreqngftgvcqwnjgrbou'[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Connection was refused to port 8100
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m socket hang up[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 200: {"value":{"message":"WebDriverAgent is ready to accept commands","state":"success","os":{"testmanagerdVersion":28,"name":"iOS","sdkVersion":"15.2","version":"15.2"},"ios":{"ip":""},"ready":true,"build":{"upgradedAt":"1632535255000","time":"Jan 11 2022 14:45:08","productBundleIdentifier":"com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner"}},"sessionId":null}
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m WebDriverAgent information:
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m {
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "message": "WebDriverAgent is ready to accept commands",
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "state": "success",
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "os": {
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "testmanagerdVersion": 28,
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "name": "iOS",
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "sdkVersion": "15.2",
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "version": "15.2"
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m },
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "ios": {
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "ip": ""
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m },
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "ready": true,
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "build": {
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "upgradedAt": "1632535255000",
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "time": "Jan 11 2022 14:45:08",
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m "productBundleIdentifier": "com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner"
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m }
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m }
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m WebDriverAgent successfully started after 67768ms
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1641892568856 (14:46:08 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Sending createSession command to WDA
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/session' to command name 'createSession'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [POST /session] to [POST] with body: {"capabilities":{"firstMatch":[{"bundleId":"com.usablenet.walgreens","arguments":[],"environment":{},"eventloopIdleDelaySec":0,"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true,"shouldTerminateApp":false,"forceAppLaunch":false,"useNativeCachingStrategy":true,"forceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresence":true}],"alwaysMatch":{}}}[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 200: {"value":{"sessionId":"9555C0F6-67BB-4506-8D1E-EEDDF80F64F3","capabilities":{"device":"iphone","browserName":"Walgreens","sdkVersion":"15.2","CFBundleIdentifier":"com.usablenet.walgreens"}},"sessionId":"9555C0F6-67BB-4506-8D1E-EEDDF80F64F3"}
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Determined the downstream protocol as 'W3C'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'wdaSessionStarted' logged at 1641892569829 (14:46:09 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'wdaStarted' logged at 1641892569829 (14:46:09 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[XCUITest][39m Skipping setting of the initial display orientation. Set the "orientation" capability to either "LANDSCAPE" or "PORTRAIT", if this is an undesired behavior.
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'orientationSet' logged at 1641892569829 (14:46:09 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m The value of 'elementResponseAttributes' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m The value of 'shouldUseCompactResponses' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
[info] [35m[Appium][39m New XCUITestDriver session created successfully, session 0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc added to master session list
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'newSessionStarted' logged at 1641892569831 (14:46:09 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Cached the protocol value 'W3C' for the new session 0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Responding to client with driver.createSession() result: {"capabilities":{"webStorageEnabled":false,"locationContextEnabled":false,"browserName":"","platform":"MAC","javascriptEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"networkConnectionEnabled":false,"platformName":"ios","app":"/Users/msh/Downloads/Walgreens 46.1.ipa","automationName":"XCUITest","deviceName":"iPhone 11","noReset":true,"udid":"00008030-001A11520147802E"}}
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m<-- POST /wd/hub/session [39m[32m200[39m [90m70257 ms - 447[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m-->[39m [37mPOST[39m [37m/wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/timeouts[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m{"implicit":2000}[39m
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Calling AppiumDriver.timeouts() with args: [null,null,null,null,2000,"0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc"]
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Executing command 'timeouts'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m W3C timeout argument: {"implicit":2000}}
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Set implicit wait to 2000ms
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Responding to client with driver.timeouts() result: null
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m<-- POST /wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/timeouts [39m[32m200[39m [90m3 ms - 14[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m[39m[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 200: {"value":null,"sessionId":null}
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Releasing connections for 00008030-001A11520147802E device on any port number
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Found cached connections to release: ["00008030-001A11520147802E:8100"]
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Releasing the listener for '00008030-001A11520147802E:8100'
[debug] [35m[iProxy@00008030:8100][39m Closing the connection
[debug] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Cached connections count: 0
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Not clearing log files. Use clearSystemFiles
capability to turn on.
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Restarting app
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Creating session with W3C capabilities: {
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "alwaysMatch": {
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "platformName": "ios",
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "app": "/Users/msh/Downloads/Walgreens 46.1.ipa",
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "automationName": "XCUITest",
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "deviceName": "iPhone 11",
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "noReset": true,
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "udid": "00008030-001A11520147802E"
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m },
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m "firstMatch": [
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m {}
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m ]
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m }
[warn] [35m[BaseDriver][39m The following capabilities are not standard capabilities and should have an extension prefix:
[warn] [35m[BaseDriver][39m app
[warn] [35m[BaseDriver][39m automationName
[warn] [35m[BaseDriver][39m deviceName
[warn] [35m[BaseDriver][39m noReset
[warn] [35m[BaseDriver][39m udid
[warn] [35m[XCUITest][39m 'platformVersion' capability ('undefined') is not a valid version number. Consider fixing it or be ready to experience an inconsistent driver behavior.
[info] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Session created with session id: 9d643370-2b78-4490-b8f4-3bd1974d1489
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Current user: 'msh'
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Available devices: 00008030-001A11520147802E
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Creating iDevice object with udid '00008030-001A11520147802E'
[info] [35m[XCUITest][39m Determining device to run tests on: udid: '00008030-001A11520147802E', real device: true
[info] [35m[XCUITest][39m No platformVersion specified. Using device version: '15.2'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1641892570073 (14:46:10 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Using local app '/Users/msh/Downloads/Walgreens 46.1.ipa'[info] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Will reuse previously cached application at '/var/folders/bv/xn3p1ghj34bg5bhhykmgq7kh0000gn/T/2022011-7612-zfu7r8.ycjd/'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1641892570886 (14:46:10 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Checking whether app '/var/folders/bv/xn3p1ghj34bg5bhhykmgq7kh0000gn/T/2022011-7612-zfu7r8.ycjd/' is actually present on file system
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m App is present
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Getting bundle ID from app '/var/folders/bv/xn3p1ghj34bg5bhhykmgq7kh0000gn/T/2022011-7612-zfu7r8.ycjd/': 'com.usablenet.walgreens'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1641892570894 (14:46:10 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Reset: fullReset not set. Leaving as is
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1641892570894 (14:46:10 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Using WDA path: '/Applications/Appium Server'
[info] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Using WDA agent: '/Applications/Appium Server'[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Crash reports root '/Users/msh/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/ravi’s iPhone' does not exist. Got nothing to gather.
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1641892571101 (14:46:11 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[XCUITest][39m Setting up real device
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Verifying application platform
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m CFBundleSupportedPlatforms: ["iPhoneOS"][debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m App 'com.usablenet.walgreens' is already installed. No need to reinstall.
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'appInstalled' logged at 1641892571274 (14:46:11 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m No obsolete cached processes from previous WDA sessions listening on port 8100 have been found
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Requesting connection for device 00008030-001A11520147802E on local port 8100, device port 8100
[debug] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Cached connections count: 0
[info] [35m[DevCon Factory][39m Successfully requested the connection for 00008030-001A11520147802E:8100
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Starting WebDriverAgent initialization with the synchronization key 'XCUITestDriver'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 200: {"value":{"message":"WebDriverAgent is ready to accept commands","state":"success","os":{"testmanagerdVersion":28,"name":"iOS","sdkVersion":"15.2","version":"15.2"},"ios":{"ip":""},"ready":true,"build":{"upgradedAt":"1632535255000","time":"Jan 11 2022 14:45:08","productBundleIdentifier":"com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner"}},"sessionId":null}
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Upgrade timestamp of the currently bundled WDA: 1632535255000
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Upgrade timestamp of the WDA on the device: 1632535255000
[info] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Will reuse previously cached WDA instance at '' with 'com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner'. Set the wdaLocalPort capability to a value different from 8100 if this is an undesired behavior.
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Trying to start WebDriverAgent 1 times with 10000ms interval
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m These values can be customized by changing wdaStartupRetries/wdaStartupRetryInterval capabilities
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'wdaStartAttempted' logged at 1641892571374 (14:46:11 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Using provided WebdriverAgent at ''
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 200: {"value":{"message":"WebDriverAgent is ready to accept commands","state":"success","os":{"testmanagerdVersion":28,"name":"iOS","sdkVersion":"15.2","version":"15.2"},"ios":{"ip":""},"ready":true,"build":{"upgradedAt":"1632535255000","time":"Jan 11 2022 14:45:08","productBundleIdentifier":"com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner"}},"sessionId":null}
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1641892571384 (14:46:11 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Sending createSession command to WDA
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/session' to command name 'createSession'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [POST /session] to [POST] with body: {"capabilities":{"firstMatch":[{"bundleId":"com.usablenet.walgreens","arguments":[],"environment":{},"eventloopIdleDelaySec":0,"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true,"shouldTerminateApp":false,"forceAppLaunch":false,"useNativeCachingStrategy":true,"forceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresence":true}],"alwaysMatch":{}}}[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 200: {"value":{"sessionId":"8F37463D-5257-40AF-8E49-E968CF68049A","capabilities":{"device":"iphone","browserName":"Walgreens","sdkVersion":"15.2","CFBundleIdentifier":"com.usablenet.walgreens"}},"sessionId":"8F37463D-5257-40AF-8E49-E968CF68049A"}
[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Determined the downstream protocol as 'W3C'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'wdaSessionStarted' logged at 1641892571549 (14:46:11 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'wdaStarted' logged at 1641892571549 (14:46:11 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[info] [35m[XCUITest][39m Skipping setting of the initial display orientation. Set the "orientation" capability to either "LANDSCAPE" or "PORTRAIT", if this is an undesired behavior.
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Event 'orientationSet' logged at 1641892571549 (14:46:11 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time))
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m The value of 'elementResponseAttributes' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m The value of 'shouldUseCompactResponses' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Responding to client with driver.reset() result: null
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m<-- POST /wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/appium/app/reset [39m[32m200[39m [90m1583 ms - 14[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m[39m[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Parsed BUILD_DIR configuration value: '/Users/msh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-aghlrsejdreqngftgvcqwnjgrbou/Build/Products'
[debug] [35m[WebDriverAgent][39m Got derived data root: '/Users/msh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-aghlrsejdreqngftgvcqwnjgrbou'
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m-->[39m [37mPOST[39m [37m/wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/element[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m{"using":"id","value":"prompt_card_login_or_register"}[39m
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Calling AppiumDriver.findElement() with args: ["id","prompt_card_login_or_register","0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc"]
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Executing command 'findElement'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Valid locator strategies for this request: xpath, id, name, class name, -ios predicate string, -ios class chain, accessibility id, css selector
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Waiting up to 2000 ms for condition
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/element' to command name 'findElement'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [POST /element] to [POST] with body: {"using":"id","value":"prompt_card_login_or_register"}[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 200: {"value":{"ELEMENT":"7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000","element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf":"7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000"},"sessionId":"8F37463D-5257-40AF-8E49-E968CF68049A"}
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Responding to client with driver.findElement() result: {"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf":"7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000","ELEMENT":"7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000"}
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m<-- POST /wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/element [39m[32m200[39m [90m334 ms - 137[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m-->[39m [37mPOST[39m [37m/wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/element/7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000/click[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m{"id":"7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000"}[39m
[info] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Driver proxy active, passing request on via HTTP proxy
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Executing command 'proxyReqRes'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/element/7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000/click' to command name 'click'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [POST /wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/element/7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000/click] to [POST] with body: {"id":"7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000"}[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 500: {"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"* -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil","traceback":"(\n\t0 CoreFoundation 0x0000000181635110 16FAA70C-278C-3561-859E-CEC407C2DC7C + 626960\n\t1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000199e70d64 objc_exception_throw + 60\n\t2 CoreFoundation 0x000000018173e564 16FAA70C-278C-3561-859E-CEC407C2DC7C + 1713508\n\t3 CoreFoundation 0x000000018173b7e0 16FAA70C-278C-3561-859E-CEC407C2DC7C + 1701856\n\t4 CoreFoundation 0x00000001815a9a5c 16FAA70C-278C-3561-859E-CEC407C2DC7C + 55900\n\t5 XCUIAutomation 0x000000010306bfa8 __104-[XCAXClient_iOS interruptingUIElementsAffectingSnapshot:checkForHandledElement:containsHandledElement:]_block_invoke + 1012\n\t6 XCTestCore 0x0000000102aa7ff0 -[XCTContext _runActivityNamed:type:block:] + 256\n\t7 XCTestCore 0x0000000102aa7184 +[XCTContex...
[debug] [35m[W3C][39m Matched W3C error code 'unknown error' to UnknownError
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m<-- POST /wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/element/7A000000-0000-0000-E202-000000000000/click [39m[31m500[39m [90m345 ms - 890[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m[39m[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [37m-->[39m [37mPOST[39m [37m/wd/hub/session/0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc/element[39m
[info] [35m[HTTP][39m [90m{"using":"xpath","value":"//XCUIElementTypeAlert[@name="Photo"]"}[39m
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Calling AppiumDriver.findElement() with args: ["xpath","//XCUIElementTypeAlert[@name="Photo"]","0eb539df-a12e-436f-aa55-2b3f971095bc"]
[debug] [35m[XCUITest][39m Executing command 'findElement'
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Valid locator strategies for this request: xpath, id, name, class name, -ios predicate string, -ios class chain, accessibility id, css selector
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Waiting up to 2000 ms for condition
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/element' to command name 'findElement'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [POST /element] to [POST] with body: {"using":"xpath","value":"//XCUIElementTypeAlert[@name="Photo"]"}[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 404: {"value":{"error":"no such element","message":"unable to find an element using 'xpath', value '//XCUIElementTypeAlert[@name="Photo"]'","traceback":"(\n\t0 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f8a7b8 FBNoSuchElementErrorResponseForRequest + 288\n\t1 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f8a5bc +[FBFindElementCommands handleFindElement:] + 336\n\t2 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f547b8 -[FBRoute_TargetAction mountRequest:intoResponse:] + 180\n\t3 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f415d4 __37-[FBWebServer registerRouteHandlers:]_block_invoke + 420\n\t4 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f73d28 -[RoutingHTTPServer handleRoute:withRequest:response:] + 164\n\t5 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f747ac __72-[RoutingHTTPServer routeMethod:withPath:parameters:request:connection:]_block_invoke + 64\n\t6 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001812a7670 EDD169E1-D0DB-3808-A19E-99C1CD5A1C4C + 18032\n\t7 libdispatch.dy...
[debug] [35m[W3C][39m Matched W3C error code 'no such element' to NoSuchElementError
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Waited for 732 ms so far[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/element' to command name 'findElement'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [POST /element] to [POST] with body: {"using":"xpath","value":"//XCUIElementTypeAlert[@name="Photo"]"}[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 404: {"value":{"error":"no such element","message":"unable to find an element using 'xpath', value '//XCUIElementTypeAlert[@name="Photo"]'","traceback":"(\n\t0 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f8a7b8 FBNoSuchElementErrorResponseForRequest + 288\n\t1 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f8a5bc +[FBFindElementCommands handleFindElement:] + 336\n\t2 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f547b8 -[FBRoute_TargetAction mountRequest:intoResponse:] + 180\n\t3 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f415d4 __37-[FBWebServer registerRouteHandlers:]_block_invoke + 420\n\t4 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f73d28 -[RoutingHTTPServer handleRoute:withRequest:response:] + 164\n\t5 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f747ac __72-[RoutingHTTPServer routeMethod:withPath:parameters:request:connection:]_block_invoke + 64\n\t6 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001812a7670 EDD169E1-D0DB-3808-A19E-99C1CD5A1C4C + 18032\n\t7 libdispatch.dy...
[debug] [35m[W3C][39m Matched W3C error code 'no such element' to NoSuchElementError
[debug] [35m[BaseDriver][39m Waited for 1966 ms so far
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Matched '/element' to command name 'findElement'
[debug] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Proxying [POST /element] to [POST] with body: {"using":"xpath","value":"//XCUIElementTypeAlert[@name="Photo"]"}[info] [35m[WD Proxy][39m Got response with status 404: {"value":{"error":"no such element","message":"unable to find an element using 'xpath', value '//XCUIElementTypeAlert[@name="Photo"]'","traceback":"(\n\t0 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f8a7b8 FBNoSuchElementErrorResponseForRequest + 288\n\t1 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f8a5bc +[FBFindElementCommands handleFindElement:] + 336\n\t2 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f547b8 -[FBRoute_TargetAction mountRequest:intoResponse:] + 180\n\t3 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f415d4 __37-[FBWebServer registerRouteHandlers:]_block_invoke + 420\n\t4 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f73d28 -[RoutingHTTPServer handleRoute:withRequest:response:] + 164\n\t5 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000104f747ac __72-[RoutingHTTPServer routeMethod:withPath:parameters:request:connection:]_block_invoke + 64\n\t6 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001812a7670 EDD169E1-D0DB-3808-A19E-99C1CD5A1C4C + 18032\n\t7 libdispatch.dy...
[debug] [35m[W3C][39m Matched W3C error code 'no such element' to NoSuchElementError
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m Encountered internal error running command: NoSuchElementError: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m at XCUITestDriver.doNativeFind (/Applications/Appium Server
[debug] [35m[W3C (0eb539df)][39m at runMicrotasks (
Could you delete DerivedData
once to remove possible xcodebuild cache?
[debug] �[35m[WebDriverAgent]�[39m Got derived data root: '/Users/msh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-aghlrsejdreqngftgvcqwnjgrbou'
If the issue still is happening, perhaps we'll need to debug your case more if appium can avoid XCTest's issue (The error message itself seems XCTest by Apple's issue)
I am downgraded the xcode version to 13.1 and appium version to 1.21.0 it works for me...
but I am facing only issue is when I trying to inspect through the appium 1.21.0 it's not capturing the screen its keep on loading , I got error in server saying unable to capture the screen getting 500 error
But It's working fine if I am running through automation, no issues found through automation
Hm.. interesting. I guess something xcodebuild cache stuff... Btw, the 500 is by iOS 15. It requires Appium 1.22+.
Hm.. thanks for the suggestion , I am not find any proper appium 1.22.1+ version , I found one for that I cannot find the xcode project in it.
would you help me out in pasting the link for proper one
If your goal is to use the inspector, then you can just use the CLI version of Appium 1.22.1, then use to attach to it, which is anyway the recommended inspector to use now. You don't need to use the Appium server bundled with Appium Desktop.
ok got it Thank you @KazuCocoa @jlipps
Hi, Got any solution for this? I am using appium gui 1.22.0 Xcode : 13.2.1 Device : IPhone SE with os version 14 Getting same error on accept alert
Any fix for this issue? I'm seeing this as well. Xcode 13.2.1 Build version 13C100 iPhoneXs 14.6 appium 1.22.0
updating appium to 1.22.3 fixed this issue for me
updating appium to 1.22.3 fixed this issue for me