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Discover, search and compare world rankings for apps, ibooks, movies, music videos and music from iTunes (and AppStore) in any available country.
iTunesPicker 2.1.1
A complete App to discover, search and compare world rankings for apps, ibooks, movies and music from iTunes in any available country. iTunesPicker show app price drops from, take a look to AppCorner Social you can create a website with your favorites apps or price drops.
Charts supported by the current version: iOS Apps, iPad Apps, Mac Apps, Music (Song and Albums), Music Videos, iBooks, Movies.
Search Music, Movies and Music Videos on YouTube.
iTunesPicker is for iPhone only, requires iOS 7 or above and use AppCornerKit framework that simplifies communication with iTunes API, the framework is included in the external folder and is free for unlimited use.
Author: Denis Berton @DenisBerton
####Publish on App Store iTunesPicker is not published on the App Store by, you're free to publish this version "as is" on App Store or with your changes (please quote this repository in the app description).
The app "as is" could not pass the approval rules of App Store:
- rule 8.1 cannot contain "iTunes" in the app name
- rule 8.3 could be evaluated similar to iTunes
- rule 2.25 you should remove apps ranking.
####Configuration To enable remote configuration (to hide/show items types in app) set on iTunesPicker-Prefix.pch
#define REMOTE_CONFIGURATION_SERVER_URL @"" //upload the file on your server
#define DEFAULT_ACK_TYPES @[@(kITunesEntityTypeSoftware),@(kITunesEntityTypeMusic),@(kITunesEntityTypeEBook),@(kITunesEntityTypeMovie)]; //change types loaded by default on first time (offline)
To enable YouTube search, add your api key in iTunesPicker-Prefix.pch
#define YOUTUBE_API_KEY @""
You can share your favorite apps (or build your AppCornerKit framework from scratch), take a look to AppCorner Social, iTunesPicker can share apps on AppCorner Social.