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What is the best way to track the values being searched
Hi , I am currently using Datasearch component to search . I would like to track the values being used for the search . My using the debounce value as 1000 . I want to get the value being searched . i.e the value that is being exactly searched with elastic search (sent via ajax to the elastic server).
At this moment , am using onValuechange - but this method is giving data on each key stroke . (example : g , go , goo, goog , googl, google ). Am interested only with the "google" value as this is the value being sent to elastic search .
Note : I am not using auto suggestion and hence onValueSelected wont work .
Let me know the best way to handle this scenario .
Thanks for bringing this up. We will figure out a better way to handle this in the future, but for now you can apply the same debounce on your onValueChange
callback as I've done here in this codesandbox.
I am new to ReactiveSearch, so maybe I'm missing something, but I am facing this issue and the sandbox is not working anymore. Has this been fixed? I did not see anything in the docs.