argos copied to clipboard
Terraform stack to deploy ELK Threat Hunting on Amazon AWS.
This is a fully end-to-end encrypted, auto-scaling, AWS Multi-tier LAMP webstack, with ELK metrics and log monitoring, integrating osquery, and multiple AWS security features. It enables groups to deploy a fully secured web stack, and perform threat hunting. It is deployed with:
- Packer - AMI builder
- Ansible - service configuration
- Serverspec - service verification
- Terraform - cloud resource builder
Security requirements for:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- osquery 2.11.0 (Dec 18, 2017) - enpoint visibility
Elastic 6.4.0 (Aug 23, 2018)
- Auditbeat - system action monitor
- Filebeat - log file collector
- Metricbeat - metric collector
- Packetbeat - network analytics collector
- Heartbeat - uptime monitor
- Elasticsearch - document-store database
- Logstash - log file processor
- Kibana - metric and log dashboards
- Zookeeper 3.4.8 (Feb 20, 2016) - server coordinator
- Kafka 2.0.0 - message queue
- ModSecurity (Jul 30, 2018) - Apache firewall
- McAfee MySQL Audit Plugin - MySQL security logging
The firewall rules are set to only allow your personal IP address. You can customize configuration by changing the var.yml files in the ansbible folders. The central Terraform config file is here.
Before You Begin
If you haven't already configured the AWS CLI, or another SDK, on the machine
where you will be running Terraform you should follow these instructions to
setup the AWS CLI and create a credential profile which Terraform will use for
Single-step Deploy
# you trust rando scripts from the internet, right? 😎
curl -s | bash -
# install Terraform, Packer, Ansible, Serverspec
# create an EC2 keypair named "packer"
aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name packer --query "KeyMaterial" \
--output text > ~/.ssh/packer.pem
# configure key file permissions
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/packer.pem
# add the newly created key to the keychain
ssh-add ~/.ssh/packer.pem
# download project, and the nested submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ./argos/aws-ec2
# use Packer to build the AWS AMI's, takes ~ 40 minutes
# deploy AWS infrastructure with Terraform, takes ~ 5 minutes
# Add the packer.pem to the local ssh agent
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/packer.pem
ssh-add -k ~/.ssh/packer.pem
ssh-add -l | grep "packer"
# Retrieve the Bastion host Public IP, and Kibana host Private IP
export BASTION_IP=$(aws ec2 describe-addresses --filters 'Name=tag:Name,Values=tf-bastion_eip' --query 'Addresses[].PublicIp' --output text);
export KAFKA_IP=$(aws ec2 describe-addresses --filters 'Name=tag:Name,Values=tf-kafka_eip' --query 'Addresses[].PrivateIpAddress' --output text);
export LOGSTASH_IP=$(aws ec2 describe-addresses --filters 'Name=tag:Name,Values=tf-logstash_eip' --query 'Addresses[].PrivateIpAddress' --output text);
printenv | grep "_IP"
# SSH into the Bastion host, forwarding the packer key
ssh -A ubuntu@$BASTION_IP
# check the user data startup script log
sudo nano /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
# SSH into the Bastion host, creating a tunnel to view Kibana
ssh -L 5601:$KAFKA_IP:5601 ubuntu@$BASTION_IP
# Open a Browser, to view Kibana
# update submodules
git submodule update --recursive --remote
Custom website
# edit the contents of the webapp "EC2 User Data" startup script:
# fork this repo, and have your website baked into the base EC2 webapp AMI
Network Diagram
Terraform project for deploying and monitoring a multi-tier webservice including:
- Amazon AWS
- AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
- SSH Bastion Host, with AWS EIP (Elastic IP)
- Private Subnet network, with only SSH Bastion access
- AWS RDS (Relational Database Service)
- AWS ALB (Application Load Balancer)
- AWS ASG (Auto-scaling Groups)
- AWS Cloudwatch Metric Alarms
- AWS Autoscaling Policy Triggers
- AWS KMS (Key Management System)
- AWS IAM Role
- AWS IAM Policy
- AWS IAM Instance Profile
- AWS SSM Parameter Store (System Service Manager)
ELK Stack
Jenkins - build automation
Packer - VM / AMI builder
JMeter - stress testing
Gitlab - source code repo
HAProxy - TCP/HTTP Load Balancer
Nginx - TCP/UDP Load Balancer
ProxySQL - SQL Load Balancer
Varnish Cache - HTTP cache
Tech Debt
Log Files
nano /var/log/auth.log
service apache2 status | cat
nano /var/log/apache2/access.log
nano /var/log/apache2/audit.log
nano /var/log/apache2/error.log
nano /var/log/mysql/audit.log
nano /var/log/osquery/osqueryd.results.log
nano /var/log/osquery/osqueryd.INFO
nano /var/log/osquery/osqueryd.WARNING
service filebeat status | cat
/usr/share/filebeat/bin/filebeat version
nano /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
nano /var/log/filebeat/filebeat.log
tail -f /var/log/filebeat/filebeat.log
service metricbeat status | cat
/usr/share/metricbeat/bin/metricbeat version
nano /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml
nano /var/log/metricbeat/metricbeat.log
service heartbeat status | cat
/usr/share/heartbeat/bin/heartbeat version
nano /etc/heartbeat/heartbeat.yml
nano /var/log/heartbeat/heartbeat.log
tail -f /var/log/heartbeat/heartbeat.log
service packetbeat status | cat
/usr/share/heartbeat/bin/heartbeat version
nano /etc/heartbeat/heartbeat.yml
nano /var/log/heartbeat/heartbeat.log
tail -f /var/log/heartbeat/heartbeat.log
service auditbeat status | cat
/usr/share/auditbeat/bin/auditbeat version
nano /etc/auditbeat/auditbeat.yml
nano /var/log/auditbeat/auditbeat
tail -f /var/log/auditbeat/auditbeat
service logstash status | cat
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash --version
nano /etc/logstash/logstash.yml
nano /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log
tail -f /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log
# Elasticsearch 5.x cheat sheet
service elasticsearch status
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch --version
nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
nano /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log
tail -f /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log
# list indices
curl -XGET ''
service kibana status
/usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana --version
nano /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
nano /var/log/kibana/kibana.log
VM Images, Ansible Roles
- Kafka node
- Logstash node
- Elasticsearch node
- gitlab
- apt-get repo
- Jenkins
- Packer
- Jenkins node
- JMeter
- JMeter node
- Varnishcache
- HAProxy
- ProxySQL
- ProxySQL
1. Inventory Management
If you want to protect a network, you need to protect everything everywhere. Attacks target the oldest and most obscure systems on your network.
2. Access Management
Even if you're running the latest patched version of everything, a default login, weak login, or reused login is easily exploited.
3. Patch Management
If you're running End-of-Life (EOL) operating systems or packages that are more than 1 month old, you are vulnerable to CRITICAL and HIGH severity vulnerabilities.
4. Configuration Management
Accounting for everything, keeping logins secure, and patching everything, is useless if the service is configured in an insecure way. All configuration changes need to be tracked.
5. Metrics and Logging
How will you know something is being attacked if you're not monitoring it? Logs provide a lot of value, and should be easily correlated with metrics to add more context to the event.
6. Alerts
Baseline the system, and create alerts for anything that's out of the ordinary.
7. Automated Remediation
After the alerts have been proven reliable, responses can be automated.
Secrets Management
Deploying infrastructure at scale requires automation. Hostnames, IP addresses, usernames, passwords, security certificates, keys, and other credentials should not be hardcoded into VM images, be easily revoked, with all access monitored and logged. There are multiple services available, such as:
- Ansible Vault
- HashiCorp Vault
- Conjur
- Amazon AWS KMS
- Amazon AWS Parameter Store
- Infrastructure Secret Management Software Overview
Initially I was going to use the AWS Key Management Service, but it has a limit of 1024 bytes per key, which is too small for things like SSL Certificates. Instead I chose the Amazon Parameter Store (released Jan 2017), which allows up to 4096 bytes.
- KMS Key
- IAM Role
- IAM Policy Document
- IAM Role Policy
- IAM Instance Profile
- Deploy AWS resources
- SSM Parameter(s)
- EC2 / ASG
Deployment Details
- Security Groups
- custom key
- Roles
- Policy Documents
- Role Policies
- Instance Profiles
- RDS Aurora
- ELK Master
- Security Groups
- Elastic IP
- EC2 Instance
- Parameter Store
- save RDS config
- save ELK config
- Bastion host
- Security Groups
- Elastic IP
- EC2 Instance
- Webapp ASG
- Security Groups
- Application Load Balancer
- Launch Configuration
- Auto Scaling Group
- Auto Scaling Triggers
- Private Network
Project Values
I've been developing websites since 2001. Here are the values I've built this project around:
1. Measurable value
- usage analytics
- time spent on feature
- completed transactions
- monthly, weekly, daily, hourly reports
2. Maintainable
- automated code quality tests
- easy for a new engineer to use
- single step deploy
- follows RFC standards
- follows programming language standards
- follows OS standards
- code is less than 80 chars wide
- use as few lines as possible
- use Ansible instead of Bash
- Bash scripts are less than 50 lines
- Packer scripts are less than 100 lines
- documentation is 1/4 or more of code
- documentation is standardized, consistent
- decompose components into seperate projects
- doesn't use complex lambda, regex, or obscure functions
- uses popular libraries
3. Resilient
- log monitoring
- input validation
- error condition handling
- withstands "Big List of Naughty Strings"
- error logging, alerts
4. Performant
- metrics monitoring, alerts
- withstands simulated peak usage
- auto-scales
5. Secure
- security log monitoring, alerts
- access control
- no bypass without authentication
- doesn't allow privileged access between users
- no SQL injection
- no XSS
twitter - @apolloclark
email - [email protected]
I live in Boston, so am generally available 9 AM EST to 5 PM EST, Mon - Fri.
- Security Onion - ELK Threat Hunting, for Windows
- SIEMonster - ELK SIEM
- HELK - Hunting ELK for Windows, w/ Hadoop, Spark, GraphFrames, Jupyer
- Skew - package for identifying and enumerating cloud resources.
- 411 - ELK alert managmenet
- ESQuery - query parser for Elasticsearch
- Elastalert - alerting with Elasticsearch
- VulnWhisperer - vulnerability data and report aggregator
- Elasticsearch and SIEM: implementing host portscan detection
- CloudWatch Logs Subscription Consumer + Elasticsearch + Kibana Dashboards
- VPC Flow Log Analysis with the ELK Stack