htb icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
htb copied to clipboard

Command-line client to interact with Hack The Box

htb - command-line interface to Hack The Box

htb is a command-line client to Hack The Box.

Screenshot of htb


Search machines

Machines can be listed with filters applied to find the find you are looking for. Currently, the following filters are supported:

  • --owned: display machines where you owned both user and root
  • --unowned: display machines you did not complete
  • --spawned: display machines that are currently started
  • --active: display active machines
  • --retired: display retired machines
  • --todo: display the machines that you added to your to-do list
  • --assigned: display the machines that are assigned to you
  • --difficulty DIFFICULTY: filter machines by their difficulty level
  • --os OS: filter by operating systems
  • --name NAME: display the machines matching the given name

Also, the output can be sorted by id, name, rating or release date by providing the --sort option. Results can be sorted in descending order by providing the -x option.

Note: machines is aliased to machine, box and vm.

$ htb machines list --owned --retired
NAME      | OS      | USER     | ROOT     | IP ADDRESS   | RATING | POINTS
Lame      | Linux   | 👤 15430 | # 16559 |   | ★ 4.3  | 🞋 20
Legacy    | Windows | 👤 12370 | # 12860 |   | ★ 4.2  | 🞋 20
Devel     | Windows | 👤 10626 | # 11128 |   | ★ 4.0  | 🞋 20
Beep      | Linux   | 👤 7212  | # 7606  |   | ★ 4.7  | 🞋 20
Optimum   | Windows | 👤 11634 | # 7446  |   | ★ 4.7  | 🞋 20
Grandpa   | Windows | 👤 5104  | # 5257  |  | ★ 3.8  | 🞋 20
Granny    | Windows | 👤 4365  | # 4523  |  | ★ 3.2  | 🞋 20
Blocky    | Linux   | 👤 4322  | # 4312  |  | ★ 4.7  | 🞋 20
Blue      | Windows | 👤 12210 | # 12634 |  | ★ 4.5  | 🞋 20
Mirai     | Linux   | 👤 7235  | # 6858  |  | ★ 4.2  | 🞋 20

Display machine details

$ htb machines show registry
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ★ 4.5
Hard 💻 Linux - 🞋 40 - 👤 3657 - # 2968

Made by thek
Released on 19 Oct 2019
IP address:

First bloods:
  👤 InfoSecJack in 00 days, 03 hours, 28 mins, 17 seconds
  # jkr in 00 days, 04 hours, 26 mins, 08 seconds

Add and remove machines from your to-do list

$ htb machines todo blue
✓ Blue was added to your todo list
$ htb machines todo blue
✓ Blue was removed from your todo list

Submit flags with difficulty

$ htb machines own themachine -f e825b7d1941c15cee7512238715f50ff -d 3
✗ Incorrect flag!

Start, stop and reset machines

$ htb machines start registry
🕑 please wait while we try and assign `Registry` to you...
✓  Machine deployed to lab.

$ htb machines start lame
🕑 please wait while we try and assign `Lame` to you...
✗  You already have an active machine.

$ htb machines reset mirai
🕑 please wait while we try and reset `Mirai`...
✗  Mirai was not reset. Another reset from this user is pending.


List conversations

$ htb chat list
💬 user1 (123)
   user1: Why?
💬 user2 (456)
   You: Did you start ForwardSlash?

Show messages from conversations

$ htb chat show 123
03:27am user1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
03:35am user1: Ut vulputate sit amet neque et aliquam. Vestibulum ac interdum dui, eu placerat lectus. Phasellus in risus velit.
03:36am user1: :sweat_smile:
01:39pm apognu: Vestibulum sollicitudin ullamcorper neque non pharetra. Integer at ipsum ut mauris lobortis semper. Praesent ut erat ac ligula vehicula vulputate vitae at mauris.
01:40pm apognu: Phasellus consequat mi eu augue aliquam placerat.

Open an interactive shell to a chat

$ htb chat open 123
✓ Chat session started
  /history to display latest messages
  /quit or ^D to exit
05:04pm user1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
05:10pm apognu: Ut vulputate sit amet neque et aliquam. Vestibulum ac interdum dui, eu placerat lectus.
05:14pm apognu: Phasellus consequat mi eu augue aliquam placerat.
> your message...