ivan baktsheev
ivan baktsheev
Hi, I've copied pdu decoder to separate file for use as nodejs module. I'm planning to make additional machine readable interface with two verboseness levels, add some tests. Please do...
- [x] I have this issue with the latest release of [jasmine-spec-reporter](https://github.com/bcaudan/jasmine-spec-reporter/releases) - 4.2.1 - [x] I have this issue with the latest release of [jasmine](https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine/releases) 3.3.1 - [x] I...
Ordered by random: IDE usability - [ ] code completion ([story](https://github.com/apla/brackets-cuwire/wiki/Autocompletion)) - [ ] better syntax highlight - [ ] board image preview with pins, buses and pin quicklook from...
I did some OpenSCAD improvements to generate human readable results. scad file: ```scad module m3head() { intersection() { translate([30,5,9])cylinder(r=3.1,h = 25, $fn=30); // head cut translate([30,5,17-3.5]) cube([6.2,3.4,1], center=true); } translate([30,5,17-4])...
First of all, perf timers logging quite strange, [level 1 prefix is `#`, level 2 — `##`, level 3 — no prefix, level 4 — dashes perl level count minus...
Hi, I see you're not maintaining this package anymore. Can you add a license and maybe transfer ownership?
Hi, **I'm submitting a ...** * [ ] bug report * [x] feature request * [ ] other (Please do not submit support requests here (below)) Within hyperapp sometimes I...
fixes #14