apigeetool-node icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
apigeetool-node copied to clipboard

[email protected] Invalid command "updateTargetServer"

Open suankan opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments


The tool does not recognise option updateTargetServer but the docs says it should be there.

apigeetool updateTargetServer -u XXX -p XXX -o XXX -e dev --targetServerName suan-test --targetHost XXX --targetPort 80 --targetSSL false
Invalid command "updateTargetServer"

Valid commands:
addEntryToKVM             Add an entry to a KVM map                     
assignUserRole            Assign user to a role                         
attachFlowHook            Attach a Shared Flow to a Flow Hook           
createApp                 Create a new App                              
createDeveloper           Create a new Developer                        
createProduct             Create a new API Product                      
createRole                Create a userrole in an organziation          
createTargetServer        Create a Target Server                        
createcache               Create a new Cache Resource in the environment
createkvmmap              Create a KVM map                              
delete                    Delete undeployed Proxy or Node.js Application
deleteApp                 Delete a App                                  
deleteDeveloper           Delete a Developer                            
deleteKVMentry            Delete a single KVM entry                     
deleteProduct             Delete a API Product                          
deleteRole                Delete a userrole in an organziation          
deleteSharedflow          Delete undeployed SharedFlow                  
deleteTargetServer        Delete a Target Server                        
deletecache               Deletes a Cache Resource in the environment   
deletekvmmap              Delete an entire KVM map                      
deployExistingRevision    Deploy an existing revision to an environment 
deploySharedflow          Deploy SharedFlow                             
deployhostedtarget        Deploy application as a Hosted Target proxy   
deploynodeapp             Deploy Node.js Application                    
deployproxy               Deploy API Proxy                              
detachFlowHook            Detach a Shared Flow from a Flow Hook         
fetchSharedflow           Download SharedFlow bundle                    
fetchproxy                Download Proxy bundle                         
getFlowHook               Get the Shared Flow attached to a Flow Hook   
getKVMentry               Get an unencrypted KVM entry                  
getRole                   Get a userrole in an organziation             
getRolePermissions        Get resource permissions for a role           
getTargetServer           Get a Target Server                           
getkvmmap                 Get a KVM map                                 
getlogs                   Get Application logs                          
listRoleUsers             List users in role                            
listRoles                 List roles in an organziation                 
listSharedflowDeployments List SharedFlow deployments                   
listTargetServers         List Target Servers                           
listdeployments           List Deployments                              
removeUserRole            Remove user from a role                       
setRolePermissions        Set resource permissions for a role           
undeploy                  Undeploy Proxy or Node.js Application         
undeploySharedflow        Undeploy SharedFlow                           
verifyUserRole            Verify a user is in a role


apigeetool updateTargetServer ... should work according to docs.

suankan avatar Oct 22 '20 03:10 suankan