lua-resty-etcd copied to clipboard
使用resty.etcd查询value value值消失
调用readdir方法,打印返回的res.body 发现有的key存在value 有的则没有 但是通过etcdctl 命令他是存在value的 这是为什么
调用readdir方法,打印返回的res.body 发现有的key存在value 有的则没有 但是通过etcdctl 命令他是存在value的 这是为什么
The screenshot you took is not the same key
这个是我调用readdir函数查询 key为/wo 的返回信息 是没有value的
但是 通过etcdctl get /wo命令查询他是有value的
这个是我调用readdir函数查询 key为/wo 的返回信息 是没有value的
但是 通过etcdctl get /wo命令查询他是有value的
The logs you see are printed by your commonutil.lua
, will it be a problem?
Here is the data structure I got from readdir:
body = {
count = "2",
header = {
cluster_id = "14841639068965178418",
member_id = "10276657743932975437",
raft_term = "10",
revision = "27188"
kvs = { {
create_revision = "27183",
key = "/dir",
mod_revision = "27187",
value = "abc",
version = "3"
}, {
create_revision = "27184",
key = "/dir/a",
mod_revision = "27188",
value = "abca",
version = "3"
} }
body_reader = <function 1>,
has_body = true,
headers = {
["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "accept, content-type, authorization",
["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE",
["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*",
["Content-Length"] = "341",
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
Date = "Fri, 21 Oct 2022 03:09:19 GMT",
["Grpc-Metadata-Content-Type"] = "application/grpc",
<metatable> = {
__index = <function 2>,
__newindex = <function 3>,
normalised = {
["access-control-allow-headers"] = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
["access-control-allow-methods"] = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
["access-control-allow-origin"] = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
["content-length"] = "Content-Length",
["content-type"] = "Content-Type",
date = "Date",
["grpc-metadata-content-type"] = "Grpc-Metadata-Content-Type"
read_body = <function 4>,
read_trailers = <function 5>,
reason = "OK",
status = 200
} 我是在apisix环境中调用的这个 我把我遇到的问题复现了一遍
Here's an example:
etcdctl put /foo '"init_dir"'
etcdctl put /foo/bar '"abcd"'
then use
local data, err = etcd:readdir("/foo")
the kvs of data will be:
kvs = { {
create_revision = "27232",
key = "/foo",
mod_revision = "27235",
value = "init_dir",
version = "2"
}, {
create_revision = "27233",
key = "/foo/bar",
mod_revision = "27234",
value = "abcd",
version = "2"
} }
Because you use etcdctl to set the kv and use lua-resty-etcd
to get the kv. lua-resty-etcd
will do the decoding of the value, ref:
It is recommended to use lua-resty-etcd
to read and write etcd. If you must use etcdctl, please make sure it complies with lua-resty-etcd