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OpenAPI: customize and replace responses
API Platform version(s) affected: 2.6.6
Default responses can not be overriden with new response information.
How to reproduce
Create a new Entity SipAccount with this data:
itemOperations: [
'post_initiatecall' => [
'method' => 'POST',
'path' => '/sip_accounts/{uuid}/initiatecall',
'controller' => SipAccountInitiateCallAction::class,
'responses' => [
'200' => [
'description' => 'Call has been initiated'
'400' => [
'description' => 'Call can not be initiated'
class SipAccount
Additional Context
It should display 200 and 400 as the only responses. But it shows them additionally to the default responses:
Some additional thoughts: it is not possible to override content and mimetype and so on.
Here is another example:
"openapi_context" => [
"summary" => "Retrieves user file...",
"description" => "Retrieves file...",
"responses" => [
"200" => [
"description" => "Retrieves file...",
"content" => [
"text/*" => [
"schema" => [
"type" => "string",
"format" => "binary"
But swagger UI shows default 200
— Some Resource
Even if dummy context is specified, like "normalization_context" => ["groups" => "nothing"],
@soyuka has this been fixed (if yes a commit or version info would be great) or do you need further information to confirm the behaviour?
Is it still not possible to remove an response?
I am running into this issue where I override the POST
to verify that a 2fa token is valid.
operations: [
new Post(
uriTemplate: '/email-verify',
openapi: new OpenApiOperation(
tags: ['Sign up'],
responses: [
201 => null, // <-- This should be hidden, but appears as "UserEmailVerificationToken resource created"
204 => new Model\Response(
description: 'Verification was successful.',
400 => new Model\Response(
description: 'Verification was not successful.',
summary: 'Verify an user email by token.',
description: 'Verify an user email by token.',
validationContext: ['groups' => ['2fa:email-verify']],
output: JsonResponse::class,
processor: UserEmailVerificationProcessor::class,
class UserEmailVerificationToken {
// ...