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Sssh no tears, only TLS now. For Clojure.
Less Awful SSL
Working with Java's crypto libraries requires deep knowledge of a complex API, language-specific key+certificate storage, and knowing how to avoid long-standing bugs in the Java trust algorithms. This library tries to make it less complicated to build simple SSL-enabled applications: given a CA certificate and a signed key and cert, it can give you an SSLContext suitable for creating TCPSockets directly, or handing off to Netty.
In this example we'll be using OpenSSL's stock CA configuration and the OpenSSL perl script to create a CA's directory structure. I'm assuming you want your CA signing key encrypted, but the client and server keys unencrypted (since they'll be deployed to processes which run without human interaction).
# Create the CA directory hierarchy and keypair
# http://kremvax.net/howto/ssl-openssl-ca.html
cp /usr/lib/ssl/misc/CA.pl ca
./ca -newca
# Generate a server key
openssl genrsa -out server.key 4096
# Convert key to pcks8 because Java can't read OpenSSL's format
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in server.key -out server.pkcs8
# Generate a cert request
openssl req -new -key server.key -out newreq.pem
# Sign request with CA
./ca -sign
# Rename signed cert and clean up unused files
mv newcert.pem server.crt
rm newreq.pem server.key
# And generate a client key+cert as well
openssl genrsa -out client.key 4096
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in client.key -out client.pkcs8
openssl req -new -key client.key -out newreq.pem
./ca -sign
mv newcert.pem client.crt
rm newreq.pem client.key
Now fire up a repl and test that your client and server keys can work together.
takes a client key and cert, a server key and cert, and a trusted
CA certificate, and verifies that a client can talk to the server over a TLS
(use 'less.awful.ssl)
(def d (partial str "/path/to/keys/"))
(apply test-ssl (map d ["client.pkcs8" "client.crt" "server.pkcs8" "server.crt" "demoCA/cacert.pem"]))
:server-got "hi"
:server-sent "hi"
:client-got "hi"
Note that this doesn't work if you substitute some other certificate for the trust chain, rather than the CA's:
(apply test-ssl (map d ["client.pkcs8" "client.crt" "server.pkcs8" "server.crt" "server.crt"]))
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: null cert chain
SSLHandshakeException Received fatal alert: bad_certificate
sun.security.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException (Alerts.java:192)
In your app, you'll want to distribute a particular PKCS secret key, the corresponding signed certificate, and the CA certificate (to verify the peer's identity). Then you can build an SSLContext:
(ssl-context "client.pkcs8" "client.crt" "ca.crt")
And given an SSL context, you can use it to construct a server or a client TCP
socket. See core.clj/test-ssl
for an example:
(with-open [listener (-> (ssl-context "server.pkcs8" "server.crt" "ca.crt")
(server-socket "localhost" 1234))
conn (.accept sock)]
(with-open [sock (-> (ssl-context "client.pkcs8" "server.crt" "ca.crt")
(socket "localhost" 1234)]
Example with a PKCS12 client certificate and org.httpkit
Assume you've got a client key/certificate pair for example.com
as a PKCS12 file client.p12
secured with password. Also, you've got the Certificate Autority that was used to
sign the client certificate as ca-cert.crt
Then you could do (your project needs http-kit, of course):
(use 'less.awful.ssl)
(require '[org.httpkit.client :as http])
(def password (char-array "secret"))
(def req (http/request {:sslengine (ssl-context->engine (ssl-p12-context "client.p12" password "ca-cert.crt"))
:url "https://example.com/needs-client-cert" :as :stream}))
I am indebted to Ben Linsay and Palomino Labs (http://blog.palominolabs.com/2011/10/18/java-2-way-tlsssl-client-certificates-and-pkcs12-vs-jks-keystores/) for their help in getting this all put together.
Copyright © 2013 Kyle Kingsbury ([email protected])
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.