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Unorthodox control flow, for Clojurists with masochistic sensibilities.

Dom Top

Unorthodox control flow, for Clojurists with masochistic sensibilities. Available via clojars.


See dom-top.core for comprehensive documentation with examples.

  • assert+ works like assert, but returns truthy values being tested, and throws other types of exceptions (including maps, via ex-info!)
  • bounded-future is just like future, but for CPU-bound tasks.
  • bounded-pmap, by contrast, puts a global limit on parallelism for CPU-bound tasks.
  • disorderly is a do block that evaluates statements in a new, random order every time, instead of sequentially.
  • fcatch lifts functions that throw exceptions into functions that return exceptions.
  • letr provides let bindings with early return; particular useful for aborting early on failure cases.
  • loopr expresses reductions with multiple accumulators over multiple dimensions. It combines the nested iteration of for, the multiple accumulators/dimensions of loop, and the concise iteration/accumulation structure of reduce. Also, it's fast.
  • real-pmap provides a fully parallel version of map, which spawns one thread per element, instead of running on a limited threadpool.
  • with-retry provides recur that works through try/catch blocks; particularly useful for retrying network operations.

Why would you WANT this?

Look, this is a judgement-free zone, OK? We all have our reasons.


Copyright © 2017, 2018 Kyle Kingsbury

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.