react-apexcharts copied to clipboard
Not able to use toggleSeries with next js application
I want to toggleSeries data of a chart in my next js application. I am trying to use that method in 2 different ways, but none of them is working. I will show you the error i am getting with both these methods differently. Please help me with a solution.
Method 1:
import ApexCharts from 'apexcharts';
toggleSeries = (seriesName) => {
ApexCharts.exec('myChartId', 'toggleSeries', 'seriesName');
In method 1 there are 2 problems
- Most of the time i get window is not defined for ApexCharts
- Second, sometimes i get:
apexcharts__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default.a.exec is not a function
In order to resolve error: window is not defined
I use dynamic import as i use dynamic import for react-apexcharts see below
Method 2:
const ApexCharts = dynamic(() => import('apexcharts'), { ssr: false });
toggleSeries = (seriesName) => {
ApexCharts.exec('myChartId', 'toggleSeries', 'seriesName');
In method 2 it says ApexCharts.exec is not a function.
Please help me with the solution for this
Need Help Here
@hbole Same, thanks for the mentioned dynamic import 👍🏻
Use react-apexcharts apexcharts
and solve with dynamic import in next.js
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const Chart = dynamic(() => import("react-apexcharts"), { ssr: false });
export default function ChartSample() {
const [dataSample, setDataSample] = useState({
options: {
chart: {
id: "basic-bar",
xaxis: {
categories: [1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998],
series: [
name: "series-1",
data: [30, 40, 45, 50, 49, 60, 70, 91],
return (
and call component <ChartSample />
Yes @mitsamphan that's what I am using. Can you please help with how to toggle the series using an external button
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import { Select, MenuItem } from '@material-ui/core';
const ReactApexChart = dynamic(() => import('react-apexcharts'), { ssr: false });
interface ValueProps {
isDeviceMobile: boolean
interface ValueState {
options: any,
timePeriod: string,
series: any,
darkMode: boolean
const timePeriodOptions = ['All', '1M', '3M', '6M', '1Y'];
class DashboardChart extends Component<ValueProps, ValueState> {
state: ValueState = {
options: {
chart: {
id: 'dashboardChart',
zoom: {
colors: ["#ffc200","#5e2bff","#ff80a3"],
dataLabels: {
enabled: !1
stroke: {
width: [2,2,2],
curve: "straight",
markers: {
size: 0,
legend: {
show: !1,
xaxis: {
categories: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],
labels: {
style: {
fontWeight: '700',
colors: ["#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf"]
yaxis: {
labels: {
style: {
fontWeight: '700',
colors: ["#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf", "#aeafaf"]
tooltip: {
title: {
formatter: function (e) {
return e;
title: {
formatter: function (e) {
return e;
title: {
formatter:function (e) {
return e;
grid: {
borderColor:" #aeafaf",
strokeDashArray: 3
series: [
timePeriod: 'All',
darkMode: false
componentDidMount () {
let darkMode = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('darkMode')) || false;
this.setState({ darkMode });
toggleSeries = (seriesName) => {
ApexCharts.exec('dashboardChart', 'toggleSeries', seriesName);
setTimePeriod = (timePeriod) => {
this.setState({ timePeriod });
render() {
const { darkMode, timePeriod } = this.state;
const { isDeviceMobile } = this.props;
return (
<div className={isDeviceMobile && darkMode ? 'chart-mobile-dark' : isDeviceMobile && !darkMode ? 'chart-mobile-light' : !isDeviceMobile && darkMode ? "chart-dark" : "chart-light"}>
<div className='chart-header flex-wrap layout-row layout-align-space-between-center'>
<div className='layout-row my-24'>
<p className='title title-active cursor-primary'>Performance</p>
!isDeviceMobile ?
<div className='layout-row my-24'>
<p className='time-period time-period-active'>All</p>
<p className='time-period'>1 M</p>
<p className='time-period'>2 M</p>
<p className='time-period'>3 M</p>
<p className='time-period'>6 M</p>
<p className='time-period'>1 Y</p>
</div> :
<div className='layout-row'>
classes: {
root: 'chart-time-select-input',
icon: 'chart-time-select-icon',
classes: {
list: 'p-0'
onChange={event => this.setTimePeriod(}
<MenuItem value={'All'}>All</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value={'1M'}>1M</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value={'3M'}>3M</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value={'6M'}>6M</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value={'1Y'}>1Y</MenuItem>
<ReactApexChart options={this.state.options} series={this.state.series} type="line" height={isDeviceMobile ? "200" : "320"} />
export default DashboardChart;
Hi, @hbole is this issue already solved? can you share the solution here?
in the code comes the following fragment
and I use it in a custom component
and the import in a page
this worked for me in a small application
Apologies, I know this is closed but no solution here works in terms of toggling a series with an external button for me.
I have tried the method by @MisaelMa , but I get the error ApexCharts.exec is not a function
after importing the chart component and clicking the button.
@alex-r89 same here
@mitsamphan Hi What do you do When you use Next Dynamic to Import apexchart and still get the "Windows is not defined" error on hard reload
I am using the following solution
Thank you very much
For anyone else coming here, use dynamic imports for the component where you use ApexCharts. and everything should be fine.
This is what I ended up doing
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (!hidden) {
const chart = ApexCharts.getChartByID('chartId')
if (chart) {
ApexCharts.exec('chartId', 'hideSeries', 'seriesName')
}, 100)
return () => {
}, [])