homebridge-airport-express-playing copied to clipboard
Doesn't support new Home Architecture in iOS 16.2/MacOS 13.1
Homebridge server cannot be added to Home app with this plugin enabled. It fails with the error...
[Accessory is out of compliance.]
If the plugin is disabled and the server successfully added, once this plugin is enabled, all other HomeBridge accessories go NO RESPONSE in the Home app
I am also unable to use the plug-in after updating to new architecture. Even tried a fresh homebridge install and still unable to get plug-in to work, and it’s also causing other plug-ins to show no response.
I do not know why this behavior is happening but I think I worked around the issue. I ran into the same issues reported in the most recent few Issues posted here. After some digging I found in my Homebridge logs what looks like 2 identical accessories being created when this plugin loads: [1/17/2023, 12:05:55 PM] [Airport Express Playing Platform] Searching for Airport Express devices [1/17/2023, 12:05:55 PM] Homebridge v1.6.0 (HAP v0.11.0) (Homebridge D864) is running on port 51110. [1/17/2023, 12:05:55 PM] [Airport Express Playing Platform] Restoring existing accessory from cache: Soundbar [1/17/2023, 12:05:55 PM] [Airport Express Playing Platform] Airport Express device Soundbar (serial number: ********DV2R created! [1/17/2023, 12:05:55 PM] [Airport Express Playing Platform] Restoring existing accessory from cache: Soundbar [1/17/2023, 12:05:55 PM] [Airport Express Playing Platform] Airport Express device Soundbar (serial number: ********DV2R created!
Once I noticed this I did the following: Disable the plugin go into homebridge cached accessories and delete all airport express accessories reload homebridge enable the plugin go into cached accessories and delete the first duplica accessory ( i did not try deleting the second to see if the behaviour is different so YMMV) reload homebridge
I can now see my Airport Express as a switch again and it works with automation and toggles properly when airplay2 is sent and stopped.
Same issue here.. for every Airport Express I add (I have 5 now, will be adding 3 more soon), I have to do what @sloth8871 mentioned above (stop, delete the first cached duplicate entry in the list, then restart).
Other than that, this plugin is great! Allows me to toggle the zone power on/off on my Russound MCA-88 when Airplay starts/stops.
Is the plug-in still working?
i installed but nothing happened.
I tried the steps mentioned above but it did not fix the problem!
Here is my config! Is it compatible with this plugin? Thanks a lot
@pierroferrero it still works with a couple small issues. see the previous posts from above as well as this reddit thread where I posted some more info on how to troubleshoot and get working. https://old.reddit.com/r/homebridge/comments/10yz51q/airplay_trigger_device_on_play/
Updated README to reflect this: *This package is deprecated, please use https://github.com/maxileith/homebridge-airport-express-connected (https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-airport-express-connected) instead