apex-ui-slim copied to clipboard
gutter and line number improvements
// ===============================================================
// https://github.com/apex/apex-ui-slim/blob/81f8ac49c0b1632e459a7d04a6febbdb3a39261c/styles/open-color.less#L16-L30
@oc-gray-list: #f8f9fa, #f1f3f5, #e9ecef, #dee2e6, #ced4da, #adb5bd, #868e96, #495057, #343a40, #212529;
@oc-gray-0: extract(@oc-gray-list, 1);
@oc-gray-1: extract(@oc-gray-list, 2);
@oc-gray-2: extract(@oc-gray-list, 3);
@oc-gray-3: extract(@oc-gray-list, 4);
@oc-gray-4: extract(@oc-gray-list, 5);
@oc-gray-5: extract(@oc-gray-list, 6);
@oc-gray-6: extract(@oc-gray-list, 7);
@oc-gray-7: extract(@oc-gray-list, 8);
@oc-gray-8: extract(@oc-gray-list, 9);
@oc-gray-9: extract(@oc-gray-list, 10);
// ===============================================================
// @balupton's things
// needed for the git gutter variables
@import "syntax-variables";
// https://github.com/atom/git-diff/pull/19
atom-workspace.theme-apex-ui-slim atom-text-editor,
atom-text-editor {
.gutter .line-number {
&.git-line-modified {
background: @syntax-color-modified;
color: white;
&.git-line-added {
background: @syntax-color-added;
color: white;
&.git-line-removed {
background: @syntax-color-removed;
color: white;
// apex ui modifications
// https://github.com/apex/apex-ui-slim/issues/9
atom-workspace.theme-apex-ui-slim {
// fix padding on tab bar
.tab-bar {
margin: 0;
.tree-view-resizer {
border: 0;
// line numbers
atom-text-editor {
// hide line numbers
.gutter {
.line-number {
opacity: 1;
transition: color 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
background: @base-background-color;
color: @base-background-color;
// show line numbers when gutter hover or selection
.gutter {
.line-number.cursor-line:not(.cursor-line-no-selection) {
color: @oc-gray-5;
&:hover {
.line-number {
color: @oc-gray-4;
.line-number.cursor-line:not(.cursor-line-no-selection) {
color: @oc-gray-7;
// change modification line numbers to hide/show accordingly
.gutter .line-number {
&.git-line-modified {
color: @syntax-color-modified;
&.git-line-added {
color: @syntax-color-added;
&.git-line-removed {
color: @syntax-color-removed;
.gutter .line-number.cursor-line:not(.cursor-line-no-selection),
.gutter:hover .line-number {
&.git-line-removed {
color: white;
Standard code:
Code with changes:
Code with highlight:
Code with highlight and hover on gutter:
from https://github.com/balupton/dotfiles/commit/5af8ede663d5e5e975a7b0646e032e3d9d83aff7 and https://github.com/balupton/dotfiles/blob/5af8ede663d5e5e975a7b0646e032e3d9d83aff7/.atom/styles.less
happy to do as pull request if you want it
I think I have most of the lineno stuff in the syntax, mine looks quite a bit different
@tj line numbers were always showing up for me, whereas this hides them unless hovered or selected
no worries if no merging - perhaps we can add a list of customisations to the readme, linking to issues like this, for other people's modding benefits
also pretty cool theme, really enjoying it, thanks 🍰