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Question: How and where to enforce CRUD and FLS in selectors in ISV apps?
I have question on StackExchange https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/266322 about options that a developer can choose to enforce security on their selectors. Since I am working on an application that we are planning to list on AppExchange, I need to make sure that all security checks are in place.
fflib is a great library that provides a lot of tools, and this variety can also confuse sometimes. I now stuck at a problem of how and where to enforce CRUD and FLS in selectors. This is because there are several ways to do that and I don't know which one is better, or considered as best practice.
First off let's review the default behavior. By default, the base class methods in the fflib_SObjectSelector base class automatically perform Object read security. It's obvious that to pass the security review I must enforce FLS read security. So let's explore what options we have to address this problem:
Approach 1 (Override the default behavior) As Andrew Fawcett goes in his book (Force.com Enterprise Architecture) it's possible to override the default behavior by utilizing the constructor parameters provided by the fflib_SObjectSelector
public with sharing class MyObjectsSelector extends fflib_SObjectSelector
public MyObjectsSelector(Boolean includeFieldSetFields, Boolean enforceCRUD, Boolean enforceFLS)
super(includeFieldSetFields, enforceCRUD, enforceFLS);
This will allow for dynamic CRUD and FLS enforcement. In controller this selector would be called with read checks enforced
public with sharing class MyController
List<MyObject__c> records = new MyObjectsSelector(true, true, true).selectById(recIds);
And other system-related classes could disable security checks
public with sharing class SomeSystemService
List<MyObject__c> records = new MyObjectsSelector(true, false, false).selectById(recIds);
While all this looks good, we will loose dynamic benefit if we use the Application class and run-time instantiation of selector instances
public with sharing class MyObjectsSelector extends fflib_SObjectSelector
public static IMyObjectsSelector newInstance(){
return (IMyObjectsSelector) Application.Selector.newInstance(MyObject__c.SObjectType);
public with sharing class MyController
List<MyObject__c> records = MyObjectsSelector.newInstance().selectById(recIds);
Approach 2 (use fflib_QueryFactory constructors)
This one is easy.
public with sharing class MyObjectsSelector extends fflib_SObjectSelector
public List<MyObject__c> selectAll() {
// newQueryFactory(Boolean assertCRUD, Boolean enforceFLS, Boolean includeSelectorFields)
fflib_QueryFactory query = newQueryFactory(true, true, true);
return (List<MyObject__c>) Database.query(query.toSOQL());
However it doesn't provide dynamic support for security enforcement. So if need the same query to run in user and system contexts, I need to pass a flag to my custom select method. But this extra parameter in the method signature seems to break SOC a bit.
public List<MyObject__c> selectAll(Boolean enforceReadSecurity) {
// newQueryFactory(Boolean assertCRUD, Boolean enforceFLS, Boolean includeSelectorFields)
fflib_QueryFactory query = newQueryFactory(enforceReadSecurity, enforceReadSecurity, true);
return (List<MyObject__c>) Database.query(query.toSOQL());
Approach 3 (disable all read security checks done by fflib_SObjectSelector by default)
In the aforementioned book in the Overriding the default behavior section from Chapter 7 it is stated that Another motivation for disabling the selector default behavior would be a preference to code these checks in your controller logic more explicitly. This brings up another question: shouldn't we always perform security checks in controllers/batch classes/web services etc.?
To wrap up, it would be interesting to know which approach should a developer consider as a best practice, or best use cases for each of these options.
My take on this is included in this stackexchange answer
@cropredyHelix i love your answer and one of the comments "i wish it was included in the book" .... having just released edition 3.... so do I! ;-) Flagging this issue as a wiki page action.