@borijess Did you get this working on your device? I had some similar issues with a device, and found that storage permissions wasn't letting the app write. Once I gave...
Are you sure that you cam send the data from a non-dexcom device to dexcom servers? Based on the error message posted it's not recognizing the device as a dexcom...
The phone should switch automatically but if not, have you tried just turning off the wifi? On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 8:22 AM, gpierpoint08 wrote: > — > You...
I have not gotten mine to connect at all.. I've even factory reset my phone and installed the latest nightly. Logs are not even showing the attempt to scan and...
@gwoody1984 @apeterson22 @nicking44 The SM-J320A is on 6.0.1 (I believe). I'll double check that when I home later today. Location is on, I've cycled through all the setting, uninstalled/reinstalled app....
Model Number: SAMSUNG-SM-J320A Android Version: 6.0.1 Android Security Patch: October 1, 2016 Baseband Version: J320AUES2AP2 Kernel Version: 3.10.9-8241677 DPI@SWDD6915#1 Tue Oct 18 16:40:12 KST 2016 Build Number: MMB29K.J320AUES2APJ2 Security Enhancement...
I was using https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip when it stopped working and would not start back up. Then I upgraded to the Latest Alpha, same issue, then I uninstalled and installed https://github.com/ StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken/xDrip/wiki/xDrip-Beta...
Yes. I've cycle those on let attempt for a few hours, cycled through all the setting. On Aug 2, 2017 12:07, "nick nason" wrote: > @taylorfowler if the " haven't...
Won't let me upload images via mail, will log into my computer later and attach or send a drive link.. On Aug 2, 2017 20:14, "Aaron Peterson" wrote: > Here...
So I bailed on the j320a and I now have the Blu tank extreme 4 connected and working. For now at least. Had to play with more phone setting then...