I notice the wfs return an error when the dataset result from a filter with the processing native filter produce an empty dataset. The getfeature return an exception in gml...
Hi, Tinyows wrong to list the layers when the config.xml has more layers with distinct prefixes. As example: this "two layer" config is allowed and correctly reported: Please Notice that...
Hi, using qgis 2.14 and last tinyows from master repo (downloaded 28 march 2016) I try to write a spatial feature (polygon) on a table. But when I try to...
When using a prefix name like this:
When defining the optional keywords in layer section the getcapabilites return something like this: <pre> <FeatureType> <Name>...</Name> <Title>...</Title> <Abstract>...</Abstract> <Keywords> <Keyword>...</Keyword> </Keywords> </pre> But this is wrong. The keywords miss...
As in the title. I notice that tinyows (i'm using the last dev version) don't respond correctly to a GetFeature request if it has in the name of layer a...
Hi, Try-ing this GET request: `http://web.regione.toscana.it/wfsvector/com.rt.wfs.RTmap/wfs?service=WFS&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typename=catasto:rt_cat.idcatbdfog.rt.bb&maxFeatures=10&Filter=comuneFIRENZE ` I have a good response . Instead if I send the same request using a POST method Tiny will crash silently: This is...