vim-template copied to clipboard
Simple templates plugin for Vim
As following: ``` # %HERE% ``` Thanks.
Add a class replacing underscores and dashes with space.
OS: linux 5.14 vi: nvim 0.5.0 test.vim: ``` let $XDG_CONFIG_HOME = $HOME . '/.config' set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME set runtimepath+=~/.local/share/nvim/repos/ set runtimepath+=~/.local/share/nvim/repos/ let g:templates_global_name_prefix = '' let g:templates_directory = [$XDG_CONFIG_HOME . '/nvim/template']...
The command complete function did not take into account user directories. So handle them also in completion. So they are there on tab.
When generate modeline using user-variable. The func to generate custom modeline should know which filetype to generate. So howto pass the filetype to the func. My code as flowwing `...
Hey, I was wondering if a new variable for last modified can be used... since most people also include that as part of their header template. Something like %LASTMOD% should...
Add a command to edit the template for the current file. something like `:TemplateEdit`
in `plugin/templates.vim` ```{.vim} " Syntax autocommands {{{1 " " Enable the vim-template syntax for template files " Usually we'd put this in the ftdetect folder, but because " g:templates_name_prefix doesn't...