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An Apache httpd module for integrating with Apereo CAS Server project.

Results 30 mod_auth_cas issues
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Hello, I have a problem recently. Such as my website is, when first cas login with https://mycas.domain/cas/login?service= It is login normal, and no errors for me. But when I...

When accessing a CASGateway location as an unauthenticated user, a 500 error is returned. The Apache error log shows an error like this: `AH00027: No authentication done but request not...

Hi I'm trying to get this module working with mpm-itk My idea is that users can configure CAS authentication them self using htaccess file by simply adding something like `Authtype...

This replaces pull request #36. This pull request consists of the three commits made by @bnoordhuis plus a merge commit that resolves the conflicts.

My web app creates a persistent websocket connection on `/websocket` that needs to receive forwarded CAS headers. This accomplishes that: ``` Require valid-user AuthType CAS CASAuthNHeader X-Auth-Username CASScope / Require...

Hello. In my use case my apache is proxyfied and i can't get the redirect set the external address of my server in the service field. The external adress of...

From the [CAS v2 documentation](, there is no need to validate the content of the ticket, the only relevant check is that it needs to begin with "ST-" (and "PT-"...

Hi every one, We got a problem with our CAS 5.3.x, [configured to deliver JWT service tickets]( (eg : ticket=deyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.ZXlKNmFYQWlPa...). The [validateCasTicketFormat]( (also involved in / could also fix [134](

Implement a logout handler which deletes the local CAS session and redirects to the global CAS logout page.