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Apereo .NET CAS Client

Results 36 dotnet-cas-client issues
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I can't find out client SDK/library for the .net core provided by Apereo. Do you provide SDK for the .net core (3.1)? If there is no CAS client SDK/library for...

i use cas10 on my mvc application & want to get user attributes after successful login but no attributes returns

support cas 3.0 protocol

ASP.NET Core has a very different authentication format which is built on the Microsoft.AspnetCore.Authentication namespace (you can see their code here: They already provide many pre-built authentication providers, including...


Return false for non-sequential assertion dates. Log the times to help when troubleshooting clock drift between the cas client and cas server. If you do a `git show -b` this...

Hi team, - Now, I have an issue with logout from project ASP.NET MVC 5. - In the backend, I have a controller with ActionResult as below `public ActionResult Logout()...

Error is random and not reproducible. There are CAS logs created. What test should be performed to check for error before calling GetProxyTicketIdFor method casTicket = CasAuthentication.ServiceTicketManager.GetTicket(formsAuthTicket.UserData); if (casTicket.ProxyGrantingTicket ==...

_Dependabot Preview will be shut down on August 3rd, 2021. In order to keep getting Dependabot updates, please merge this PR and migrate to GitHub-native Dependabot before then._ Dependabot has...


Bumps [SourceLink.Create.CommandLine]( from 2.5.0 to 2.8.3. Release notes *Sourced from [SourceLink.Create.CommandLine's releases](* > ## Fix Copy.PdbFiles for SDK 2.1.300 > thanks [@​kukjevov]( for [#352]( > > ## 2.8.2 >


Committing bug fix for IE 11 described in this blog post.