kubeblocks copied to clipboard
[BUG]foxlake cannot be connected for Initialize failed 'foxlake'
➜ ~ kbcli version Kubernetes: v1.27.8-gke.1067004 KubeBlocks: 0.9.0-beta.0 kbcli: 0.9.0-beta.0
`kbcli cluster create foxlake-gysryw --termination-policy=DoNotTerminate --monitoring-interval=0 --cluster-definition=foxlake --enable-all-logs=false --cluster-version=foxlake-0.2.0 --set cpu=500m,memory=2Gi,replicas=3,storage=20Gi --namespace default `
Cluster foxlake-gysryw created
➜ ~ kbcli cluster connect foxlake-gysryw
Connect to instance foxlake-gysryw-foxlake-server-0: out of foxlake-gysryw-foxlake-server-0, foxlake-gysryw-foxlake-server-1, foxlake-gysryw-foxlake-server-2
sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
error: mysql: 1049: [trace=17c1ce4521c01000,server=,db=foxlake] Initialize failed 'foxlake', reason: Could not initialize class com.apecloud.foxlake.gms.cache.GlobalCacheManager$SingletonHolder
command terminated with exit code 1
➜ ~ kbcli report cluster --with-logs --all-containers foxlake-gysryw reporting cluster information to report-cluster-foxlake-gysryw-2024-04-02-14-21-34.zip processing manifests OK processing events OK process pod logs OK ➜ ~ kbcli report kubeblocks --with-logs --all-containers --output yaml reporting KubeBlocks information to report-kubeblocks-2024-04-02-14-22-00.zip processing manifests OK processing events OK process pod logs OK
report-kubeblocks-2024-04-02-14-22-00.zip report-cluster-foxlake-gysryw-2024-04-02-14-21-34.zip
This issue has been marked as stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity
lower the severity since foxlake can be connected without kbcli
➜ ~ kbcli cluster list
foxlake-otbeai default foxlake foxlake-0.2.0 DoNotTerminate Running Aug 27,2024 11:10 UTC+0800
➜ ~ kbcli version
Kubernetes: v1.30.0
KubeBlocks: 0.9.1-beta.17
kbcli: 0.9.1-beta.9
WARNING: version difference between kbcli (0.9.1-beta.9) and kubeblocks (0.9.1-beta.17)
➜ ~ kbcli cluster connect foxlake-otbeai
Connect to instance foxlake-otbeai-foxlake-server-0
sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
Connected with driver mysql (8.0.3-FoxLake-0.5.0-20240826)
Type "help" for help.