Antônio Camargo
Antônio Camargo
As far as I know, there's no way to easily inspect the last `N` records of a `.csv` file in a way that includes the header. I assume this could...
I had to chance my password in my remote server and now I can't access it using Taxi. I should be able to edit my bookmark or at least delete...
Python's re module adds regex capabilities to the language and it's widely used. It would be very interesting if regextester add support to it, especially the group syntax.
I've been evaluating how adding pseudocounts change the sensitivity of profile searches. ``` mmseqs msa2profile msa_db/msa_db profile_db/profile_db --match-mode 1 --match-ratio 0.5 --threads 64 mmseqs msa2profile msa_db/msa_db profile_db_pseudo/profile_db --match-mode 1 --match-ratio...
As far as I know MMSeqs2 uses profile/profile searches to build an MSA by querying a sequence database to a profile database. I couldn't find any way of directly performing...
I'm comparing MMSeqs2 taxonomic assignment with approx. 2bLCA and top hit and noticed that the later approach classifies more genes than the former. I extracted the alignments using `--extract-lines 1`...
I'm trying to index a 6-frame translation of a genome to use it in a hhblits search, but I get a segmentation fault in ffindex_from_fasta. This might be due to...
In the Wiki it is stated: > For long sequences, it may therefore be of advantage to first search the PDB or the SCOP domain database and then to cut...
I usually convert my FASTA alignments to A3M using `` with `-M 50` and then build the HMM profiles from them. However, I noticed that if I use `hhmake` with...
## Expected Behavior When I set the `-p`parameter to, for example `95`, I expect that hits with probability lower than 95% would not appear in the output. The same happens...