ictv-mmseqs2-protein-database copied to clipboard
This repository contains instructions to generate a MMSeqs2 protein database with ICTV taxonomy. This database was not benchmarked. For taxonomic assignment of viral genomes you can try geNomad.
First, download the latest VMR release from ICTV and convert it to a tabular file:
aria2c -x 4 -o ictv.xlsx "https://ictv.global/filebrowser/download/585"
# convert xlsx to tsv
csvtk xlsx2csv ictv.xlsx \
| csvtk csv2tab \
| sed 's/\xc2\xa0/ /g' \
| csvtk replace -t -F -f "*" -p "^\s+|\s+$" \
> ictv.tsv
# choose columns, and remove duplicates
csvtk cut -t -f "Realm,Subrealm,Kingdom,Subkingdom,Phylum,Subphylum,Class,Subclass,Order,Suborder,Family,Subfamily,Genus,Subgenus,Species" ictv.tsv \
| csvtk uniq -t -f "Realm,Subrealm,Kingdom,Subkingdom,Phylum,Subphylum,Class,Subclass,Order,Suborder,Family,Subfamily,Genus,Subgenus,Species" \
| csvtk del-header -t \
> ictv.taxonomy.tsv
Create a file that will store all the ICTV taxa names:
csvtk cut -t -H -f 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 ictv.taxonomy.tsv \
| sed 's/\t/\n/g' \
| awk '!/^[[:blank:]]*$/' \
| sort -u \
> ictv.names.txt
Use taxonkit create-taxdump
to create a custom taxdump for ICTV. Next, execute the fix_taxdump.py
script, which will make the taxids sequential to make them compatible with MMSeqs2:
taxonkit create-taxdump -K 1 -P 3 -C 5 -O 7 -F 9 -G 11 -S 13 -T 15 \
--rank-names "realm","kingdom","phylum","class","order","family","genus","species" \
ictv.taxonomy.tsv --out-dir ictv-taxdump
Download the NCBI taxdump and the prot.accession2taxid
file. Then, filter prot.accession2taxid
to keep only viral proteins:
# Download the NCBI taxdump
aria2c -x 4 "ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdump.tar.gz"
mkdir ncbi-taxdump
tar zxfv taxdump.tar.gz -C ncbi-taxdump
rm taxdump.tar.gz
# Download the protein → taxid association and filter for viruses
aria2c -x 4 "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/accession2taxid/prot.accession2taxid.FULL.gz"
gunzip prot.accession2taxid.FULL.gz
awk '{print $2}' prot.accession2taxid.FULL \
| sort -u \
| taxonkit --data-dir ncbi-taxdump lineage \
| rg "\tViruses;" \
| awk '{print $1}' \
> virus_taxid.list
csvtk grep -t -f 2 -P virus_taxid.list prot.accession2taxid.FULL > virus.accession2taxid
rm prot.accession2taxid.FULL
Execute the get_ictv_taxids.py
script to create a accession2taxid
file with ICTV taxids.
# Find the ICTV-compliant proteins and write a new table with the ICTV taxids
Download the proteins from NCBI and filter the FASTA file to keep only the proteins associated with ICTV viruses:
# Download and filter NR proteins
aria2c -x 4 "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/FASTA/nr.gz"
# Create a list containing the accessions of the proteins of ICTV viruses
cut -f 1 virus.accession2taxid.ictv > virus.accession.txt
# Filter the NR proteins to keep the proteins encoded by ICTV viruses
seqkit grep -j 4 -f virus.accession.txt nr.gz | seqkit seq -i -w 0 -o nr.virus.faa.gz
rm nr.gz
There will be proteins in virus.accession2taxid.ictv
that are not in NR. So we will keep only the proteins that are present in the filtered NR FASTA file:
# Filter the NR virus taxid table
seqkit fx2tab -n -i nr.virus.faa.gz > nr.virus.list.txt
csvtk grep -t -H -f 1 -P nr.virus.list.txt virus.accession2taxid.ictv > nr.virus.accession2taxid.ictv
Using the filtered NR FASTA, the ICTV taxdump, and the virus.accession2taxid.ictv
tabular file, we will create a MMSeqs2 protein database with taxonomy information:
# Create the MMSeqs2 database
mkdir virus_tax_db
mmseqs createdb --dbtype 1 nr.virus.faa.gz virus_tax_db/virus_tax_db
mmseqs createtaxdb virus_tax_db/virus_tax_db tmp --ncbi-tax-dump ictv-taxdump --tax-mapping-file nr.virus.accession2taxid.ictv
rm -rf tmp
Finally, to assign taxonomy to viral sequences in an input file (input.fna
mmseqs easy-taxonomy input.fna virus_tax_db/virus_tax_db taxonomy_results tmp -e 1e-5 -s 6 --blacklist "" --tax-lineage 1