random-points-on-polygon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
random-points-on-polygon copied to clipboard

Create N number of random points inside of a polygon with http://turfjs.org/


Create n number of random points inside a polygon with TurfJS!


npm install random-points-on-polygon


randomPointsOnPolygon(number, polygon, [properties], [fc])


  • number: Integer - the number of random points generated
  • polygon: Feature<(Polygon|MutiPolygon)> - boundary within points are created
  • properties: Object [properties={}] - properties object assigned to each random point feature
  • fc: Boolean [fc=false] - Default returns an array of point features. When true, returns a feature collection of points


  • points: Default Array Feature<(Point)> - when fc is set to true it returns a FeatureCollection<(Points)>
var randomPointsOnPolygon = require('random-points-on-polygon');
var turf = require('turf');

var numberOfPoints = 100;
var polygon = turf.random('polygon').features[0];

var points = randomPointsOnPolygon(numberOfPoints, polygon);

// points Array

//    [
//     {
//       "type": "Feature",
//       "geometry": {
//         "type": "Point",
//         "coordinates": [
//           104.92817194987191,
//           72.68912038906443
//         ]
//       },
//       "properties": {}
//     },
//     {
//       "type": "Feature",
//       "geometry": {
//         "type": "Point",
//         "coordinates": [
//           104.8246191221799,
//           72.02970325707525
//         ]
//       }
//      },
//      ...
//    ]


Andy B