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Data visualization and plotting for OCaml
Plot your data with aplomb!
Aplomb is a plotting package for OCaml based on Vega-Lite.
Status: pre-release, expect breaking changes.
Aplomb makes it simple to create Vega-Lite visualization specs from datasets, then view the specs as plots.
- Package
shows plots in browser tabs. -
shows them in webviews. -
shows them in Iocaml notebooks. See examples/bar.ipynb.
Usage example
To run interactively:
utop -require aplomb,aplomb.browser -init examples/bar.ml
let data = [
("a", `String [| "A"; "B"; "C"; "D"; "E"; "F"; "G"; "H"; "I" |]);
("b", `Int [| 28; 55; 43; 91; 81; 53; 19; 87; 52 |])
let spec =
Aplomb.Dynamic.(simple ~data ~description:"A simple bar chart with embedded data." (`Mark `Bar)
|> x "a" ~typ:`Ordinal
|> y "b" ~typ:`Quantitative
|> finish)
let _ = AplombBrowser.show spec
Usage example with static datatypes
To run interactively:
utop -require aplomb.ppx_deriving,aplomb,ppx_deriving_yojson,yojson,aplomb.browser -init examples/bar_static.ml
type row = {
a : string [@typ `Ordinal];
b : int [@typ `Quantitative]
} [@@deriving yojson,aplomb]
let data =
{a = "A"; b = 28};
{a = "B"; b = 55};
{a = "C"; b = 43};
{a = "D"; b = 91};
{a = "E"; b = 81};
{a = "F"; b = 53};
{a = "G"; b = 19};
{a = "H"; b = 87};
{a = "I"; b = 52}
let spec =
Plot_row.(simple ~data ~description:"A simple bar chart with embedded data." (`Mark `Bar)
|> x `a
|> y `b
|> finish)
let _ = AplombBrowser.show spec
Storing your data in a custom type
If your data isn't stored in an association list or in a type that
understands, you can still create a plotting module
for it using the Aplomb.Make
functor. First, write a module of type
around your data type:
module type DataS = sig
(** The type that holds the dataset. *)
type t
The type of references to fields (columns) in the dataset. If the dataset is a
map, this should be the key type. If this module is generated from a record type
by ppx_deriving_aplomb, this will be a variant type whose values correspond to
field names of the record.
type field
(** A function that maps the dataset to a list of Yojson objects. This *)
val inline : t -> Yojson.Safe.json list
A function that evaluates to the name of a field as a string. This name should
correspond to the keys in the Yojson spec generated by 'inline'.
val fieldName : field -> string
A function that evaluates to the Vega-Lite type of a field. This may be one of
`Ordinal, `Nominal, `Temporal or `Quantitative. It may be overridden when
generating plots.
val defaultTyp : field -> VegaLite.V2.Type.t
Then create and use your plotting module:
module Data = struct
(* Of type DataS *)
module PlotData = Aplomb.Make(Data)
let spec = PlotData.(simple ... () |> toplevel)
Hopefully one day soon OCaml will grow a proper data frame, and this functor will make it easy to derive plotting modules for that!