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TAJO-1925: Improve hive compatibility with TIMESTAMP partition column.
This patch contains following modifications:
- When making partition directories, use partition name which are accepted in the format
. - When pruning partitions, convert UTC of EvalNode to customer timezone.
- When building partition filter in catalog, convert UTC of algebra expression to customer timezone.
- Add timestamp cast operation with the number of milliseconds.
And I found that the patch ran successfully with MySQLStore and HiveCatalogStore.
I fixed some bugs and added description about timezone with hive. For the reference, I tested the patch with tpc-h 1g dataset as following:
- on Hive
hive> CREATE TABLE timeline(event string) PARTITIONED BY (happened timestamp);
hive> insert overwrite table timeline partition(happened=1446608033000) select n_name from nation where n_nationkey = 0;
hive> insert overwrite table timeline partition(happened=1446608037000) select n_name from nation where n_nationkey = 1;
hive> insert overwrite table timeline partition(happened=854419808037) select n_name from nation where n_nationkey = 2;
hive> insert overwrite table timeline partition(happened=1446712555983) select n_name from nation where n_nationkey = 3;
hive> select * from timeline;
BRAZIL 1997-01-28 11:50:08.037
ALGERIA 2015-11-04 12:33:53
ARGENTINA 2015-11-04 12:33:57
CANADA 2015-11-05 17:35:55.983
- on Tajo with HiveCatalogStore
default> SET TIME ZONE 'Asia/Seoul';
default> select * from timeline;
event, happened
BRAZIL, 1997-01-28 11:50:08.037
ALGERIA, 2015-11-04 12:33:53
ARGENTINA, 2015-11-04 12:33:57
CANADA, 2015-11-05 17:35:55.983
(4 rows, 0.092 sec, 0 B selected)
default> select * from timeline where happened = TIMESTAMP '2015-11-04 12:33:57';
event, happened
ARGENTINA, 2015-11-04 12:33:57
(1 rows, 0.126 sec, 0 B selected)
default> insert into timeline select n_name, TIMESTAMP '2015-11-06 14:45:48.066' from nation where n_nationkey = 10;
default> insert into timeline select n_name, TIMESTAMP '2015-11-06 14:45:48.75' from nation where n_nationkey = 11;
default> select * from timeline;
event, happened
BRAZIL, 1997-01-28 11:50:08.037
ALGERIA, 2015-11-04 12:33:53
ARGENTINA, 2015-11-04 12:33:57
CANADA, 2015-11-05 17:35:55.983
IRAN, 2015-11-06 14:45:48.066
IRAQ, 2015-11-06 14:45:48.75
(6 rows, 0.087 sec, 0 B selected)
- on Tajo with MySQLStore
default> SET TIME ZONE 'Asia/Seoul';
default> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE default.timeline (event TEXT) USING TEXT
PARTITION BY COLUMN(happened TIMESTAMP) LOCATION 'hdfs://localhost:9010/user/hive/warehouse/timeline';
default> select * from timeline where happened = TIMESTAMP '1997-01-28 11:50:08.037';
event, happened
BRAZIL, 1997-01-28 11:50:08.037
(1 rows, 0.074 sec, 0 B selected)
default> select * from timeline where happened = TIMESTAMP '2015-11-04 12:33:57';
event, happened
ARGENTINA, 2015-11-04 12:33:57
(1 rows, 0.033 sec, 0 B selected)
default> alter table timeline repair partition;
default> insert into timeline select n_name, TIMESTAMP '2015-11-09 16:47:45.012' from nation where n_nationkey = 24;
default> select * from timeline;
event, happened
BRAZIL, 1997-01-28 11:50:08.037
ALGERIA, 2015-11-04 12:33:53
ARGENTINA, 2015-11-04 12:33:57
CANADA, 2015-11-05 17:35:55.983
IRAN, 2015-11-06 14:45:48.066
IRAQ, 2015-11-06 14:45:48.75
UNITED STATES, 2015-11-09 16:47:45.012
(7 rows, 0.036 sec, 0 B selected)
default> select * from timeline where happened = TIMESTAMP '2015-11-09 16:47:45.012';
event, happened
UNITED STATES, 2015-11-09 16:47:45.012
Rebased. Basically, Tajo column partition focus on Hive partition compatibility. Currently, Hive just created timestamp partition directories using date format. I think that Tajo just need to follow current Hive version rule. Because even if we implement long value time for timestamp partition directory, Hive can't handle it.
Hi @blrunner,
It has been long time. IMO, This patch needs to be included in 0.12.0 release. If you are Ok, could your rebase it? Otherwise, I can do it.