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Charts Changing Color with Each Refresh
In Superset We are disabled from modifying the color scheme of the charts, it says it will be following the dashboard color scheme,
and each time we refresh the dashboard a new color will be assigned to the chart,
Even if try to clear the dashboard color scheme it will be automatically rapper
As a work around we explicitally specified color hex code for each label for all charts in Dashboard
"color_scheme": "supersetColors", "refresh_frequency": 0, "expanded_slices": {}, "label_colors": { "Paid Production": "#2A57A6", "Unpaid Production": "#78A3EF", "CANCELLED": "#BCD5FF", "NO SHOW": "#78A3EF", "CHECKED OUT": "#2A57A6", "Net Production": "#5E30CD", "Net Collection": "#9E79F4", "Not Rescheduled": "#A12259", "Rescheduled": "#E96EA5", "Net Production(DOS)": "#B8C665", "Appointment Count": "#00829A", "Procedure Count": "#00829A", "Existing Patients": "#ef4444", "Existing Patients w/ Future Appts.": "#f87171", "New Patients": "#ef4444", "New Patients w/ Future Appts": "#f87171", "Average Production": "#ef4444" },
mark,some issue!
Hello, thanks for reporting this issue. We are working on a fix here