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[SIP-116] Simplifying time period filtering for users
[SIP-116] Proposal for simplifying time period filtering for users
Current time period filter is overly complicated and counterintuitive for users to work with. Yes, it does provide a lot of functionality and flexibility but it is not commonly used anyways.
Proposed Change
Proposed change is to create an alternative time filter.
Current view of a proposed filter is something like a commonly used calendar date picker.
Airbnb's picker for example.
The new date picker should replicate a currently existing functionality of fast navigation through months and years.
Open question is how to implement a time picker in a way that UI/UX stays simple and intuitive but functional at the same time. Current "scroll columns" design is good for touchscreens but is an absolute nightmare to use on a desktop.
A couple of examples of solutions found online:
New or Changed Public Interfaces
New time period native filter. Otherwise unknown yet.
New dependencies
Non known yet. Probably some UI lib.
Migration Plan and Compatibility
None expected
Rejected Alternatives
A time slider filter which would allow users to select time period for filtering simply by dragging a couple of markers across a slider.
Power BI slider for reference
Was rejected due to lack of visual information for user. But still could be achieved by improving "Number range" native filter.
Well. Actually after looking at this SIP afterwards it looks like SIP is not actually needed here.
Hi @TechAuditBI. Could you update the SIP's content with the results of our SIP Office hours discussion?
@michael-s-molina Sorry for this taking so long. Quite a busy week. I'll get to it tomorrow.
Hi @michael-s-molina and team
One of the time period widget, I was very impressed with the simple design of this widget from Toggle track app, It has all the different section for different time period as well as week nos also attached in the UI, I have come across many usecase during development of saas platform where user also wanted to know week numbers for their analysing the insights
Do let me know your view on this, if we can take some inspiration from here too :-)
@webobite Wow! This looks quite impressive tbh. I think that this kind of a widget would look very nice in superset. The only thing missing here is a time selection but we'll figure smth out.
Thanks @TechAuditBI Ya I noticed that custom date range is missing, Should I explore more on this widget ?
@webobite Sorry, missed your reply. If you can research more that would be awsome!
Ok sure, Will do some research and share the same over this thread !!
Hi @TechAuditBI,
Are we planning to boundary our self with Ant design lib calendar or we can explore other option and then try to fit the same in the UI design framework of superset ?
Hi @TechAuditBI and team,
As per my understanding on the Time period filter :- (here is small breakdown on the understanding and concept)
idea 1
I would be preferring this UI with much more compact and very low learning curve for the users of dashboard which is self explanatory
src : Dribble Link
Note: Year selection with weekly segregation
Note: Monthly selection with help of tab switch
idea 2
Here I could not find relevant UI UX design for the same, some excalidraw sketch for the same, It will save some space and quick access to the User for the Chart UI
I am open for the feedback and new suggestion on the same.
:-) thanks & regards Subham (@webobite )
@supersetbot orglabel
@webobite Thanks a lot for a detailed analysis! I think we should definetely give users an ability to simply type in their time period. Maybe it can be done right in the box from idea 1. Also we are still missing a time picker. Sorry for slow responses...
If anyone wants to move forward with this (and it does indeed seem worthy of a SIP based on the above discussion), then please start a [DISCUSS] thread on the dev@ mailing list.