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Submarine is Cloud Native Machine Learning Platform.
What is Apache Submarine?
Apache Submarine (Submarine for short) is an End-to-End Machine Learning Platform to allow data scientists to create end-to-end machine learning workflows. On Submarine, data scientists can finish each stage in the ML model lifecycle, including data exploration, data pipeline creation, model training, serving, and monitoring.
Why Submarine?
Some open-source and commercial projects are trying to build an end-to-end ML platform. What's the vision of Submarine?
- Many platforms lack easy-to-use user interfaces (API, SDK, and IDE, etc.)
- In the same company, data scientists in different teams usually spend much time on developments of existing feature sets and models.
- Data scientists put emphasis on domain-specific tasks (e.g. Click-Through-Rate), but they need to implement their models from scratch with SDKs provided by existing platforms.
- Many platforms lack a unified workbench to manage each component in the ML lifecycle.
Theodore Levitt once said:
“People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.”
Goals of Submarine
Model Training (Experiment)
- Run/Track distributed training
on prem or cloud via easy-to-use UI/API/SDK. - Easy for data scientists to manage versions of
and dependencies ofenvironment
. - Support popular machine learning frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Horovod, and MXNet
- Provide pre-defined template for data scientists to implement domain-specific tasks easily (e.g. using DeepFM template to build a CTR prediction model)
- Support many compute resources (e.g. CPU and GPU, etc.)
- Support Kubernetes and YARN
- Pipeline is also on the backlog, we will look into pipeline for training in the future.
Notebook Service
- Submarine aims to provide a notebook service (e.g. Jupyter notebook) which allows users to manage notebook instances running on the cluster.
Model Management (Serving/versioning/monitoring, etc.)
- Model management for model-serving/versioning/monitoring is on the roadmap.
Easy-to-use User Interface
As mentioned above, Submarine attempts to provide Data-Scientist-friendly UI to make data scientists have a good user experience. Here're some examples.
Example: Submit a distributed Tensorflow experiment via Submarine Python SDK
Run a Tensorflow Mnist experiment
# New a submarine client of the submarine server
submarine_client = submarine.ExperimentClient(host='http://localhost:8080')
# The experiment's environment, could be Docker image or Conda environment based
environment = EnvironmentSpec(image='apache/submarine:tf-dist-mnist-test-1.0')
# Specify the experiment's name, framework it's using, namespace it will run in,
# the entry point. It can also accept environment variables. etc.
# For PyTorch job, the framework should be 'Pytorch'.
experiment_meta = ExperimentMeta(name='mnist-dist',
cmd='python /var/tf_dist_mnist/ --train_steps=100')
# 1 PS task of 2 cpu, 1GB
ps_spec = ExperimentTaskSpec(resources='cpu=2,memory=1024M',
# 1 Worker task
worker_spec = ExperimentTaskSpec(resources='cpu=2,memory=1024M',
# Wrap up the meta, environment and task specs into an experiment.
# For PyTorch job, the specs would be "Master" and "Worker".
experiment_spec = ExperimentSpec(meta=experiment_meta,
spec={'Ps':ps_spec, 'Worker': worker_spec})
# Submit the experiment to submarine server
experiment = submarine_client.create_experiment(experiment_spec=experiment_spec)
# Get the experiment ID
id = experiment['experimentId']
Query a specific experiment
Wait for finish
Get the experiment's log
Get all running experiment
For a quick-start, see Submarine On K8s
Example: Submit a pre-defined experiment template job
Example: Submit an experiment via Submarine UI
(Available on 0.5.0, see Roadmap)
Architecture, Design and requirements
If you want to know more about Submarine's architecture, components, requirements and design doc, they can be found on Architecture-and-requirement
Detailed design documentation, implementation notes can be found at: Implementation notes
Apache Submarine Community
Read the Apache Submarine Community Guide
How to contribute Contributing Guide
Login Submarine slack channel:
Issue Tracking:
User Document
Developer Document
What to know more about what's coming for Submarine? Please check the roadmap out:
From here, you can know the changelog and the issue tracker of different version of Apache Submarine.
Apache submarine: a unified machine learning platform made simple at EuroMLSys '22
The Apache Submarine project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.