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[bug] rocketmq5.2.0 开启proxy的。local模式的时候,使用proxy的grpc端口发送消息不正常。出现 task was cancelled
Before Creating the Bug Report
[X] I found a bug, not just asking a question, which should be created in GitHub Discussions.
[X] I have searched the GitHub Issues and GitHub Discussions of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.
[X] I have confirmed that this bug belongs to the current repository, not other repositories of RocketMQ.
Runtime platform environment
OS: centos7
RocketMQ version
5.2.0 搭建的集群版本 具体信息如图:
JDK Version
jdk: 1.8.0_352 os: centOs 7 java sdk 官方给出的示例代码
Describe the Bug
发送消息出现 task was cancelled
Steps to Reproduce
- 搭建完成集群
- 开各个broker的 logs/rocketmqlogs/broker.log日志,没有报错。主从同步正常
- 客户端发送消息,提示错误
What Did You Expect to See?
- 希望确定哪块配置是否正常?
- 希望确定是否为5.2.0开启proxy集群的时候,是否有bug(同样的客户端代码,改用一个broker的实例,可以发送消息成功)
What Did You See Instead?
Additional Context
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