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[Bugs]auto-bach cause some bugs
Before Creating the Bug Report
[X] I found a bug, not just asking a question, which should be created in GitHub Discussions.
[X] I have searched the GitHub Issues and GitHub Discussions of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.
[X] I have confirmed that this bug belongs to the current repository, not other repositories of RocketMQ.
Runtime platform environment
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Describe the Bug
and send some inner-batch message, will cause some strange
- query messge by msgid can't decode message body
- when consume batch-message, and one of batch consume failed, will not reconsume
Steps to Reproduce
as below "testbatch":{ "attributes":{ "queue.type":"BatchCQ" }, "order":false, "perm":6, "readQueueNums":8, "topicFilterType":"SINGLE_TAG", "topicName":"testbatch", "topicSysFlag":0, "writeQueueNums":8 },
What Did You Expect to See?
as below
What Did You See Instead?
as below
Additional Context
No response
PTAL @guyinyou
Is this topic of batchConsumeQueue type?
Is this topic of batchConsumeQueue type?
A msgId in batchConsumerQueue corresponds to an entire batch. If you want to maintain the same semantics as before, use an normal topic.
A msgId in batchConsumerQueue corresponds to an entire batch. If you want to maintain the same semantics as before, use an normal topic.
When consume one of batch fail, will not even reconsume, sound unreasonable。
What version that consumer?
can you show your producer and consumer code, and their client version pls