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Apache RocketMQ Docker

Results 35 rocketmq-docker issues
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replace image apacherocketmq/rocketmq to apache/rocketmq

The issue tracker is **ONLY** used for bug report(feature request need to follow [RIP process]( Keep in mind, please check whether there is an existing same report before your raise...

**BUG REPORT** 1. Please describe the issue you observed: - What did you do (The steps to reproduce)? > I want to use docker compose to build a rocketmq cluster...

1.git clone 4.8.0 alpine and it show: `Version = 4.8.0 [+] Building 0.7s (3/3) FINISHED => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile-alpine 0.0s => => transferring dockerfile:...

I'm trying to deploy rocketmq on my testing cluster. I started from the scripts provided in that repo, but they do not work. I modified them in the following way:...

089fbec3e3e0 rocketmqinc/rocketmq:4.4.0 "sh mqbroker -c /o..." 30 minutes ago Exited (253) 3 second ago

Caused by: org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.exception.RemotingConnectException: connect to null failed Fix the problem that dashboard cannot connect to namesrv

I fellow the 4 to generate rocketmq-dashboard. It runs in ubuntu20.04.2 docker env successfully, but I can't access dashboard. by the way, my machine is Apple silicon.

1. Please describe the issue you observed: build rocketmq docker image with version 4.9.2: sh 4.9.2 alpine error "gpg: not a detached signature" occurred 2. Please tell us about...

Base image: alpine In the, [numactl --interleave=all pwd > /dev/null 2>&1]( call the numactl, which does not included in the image. And the broker will not start successfully. Additionally,...