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[tiered-storage] set s3 offloader use Virtual Hosted-Style as default
This PR #15710 provides a common way to offload data to storages which compatible with S3 APIs. I have a test on Tencent Cloud COS (a cloud storage which compatible with S3 APIs),but offload failed. error messages as below:
a.util.concurrent.CompletionException: org.jclouds.aws.AWSResponseException: request POST https://xxxxx.ap-guangzhou.tencentcos.cn/xxxx-xx-xxxxx/a476b173-a354-480c-9ac2-a81cd11a15ae-ledger-1064936?uploads HTTP/1.1 failed with code 400, error: AWSError{requestId='xxxxxxx', requestToken='null', code='InvalidURI', message='Could not parse the specified URI.', context='{Resource=xxxxx.ap-guangzhou.tencentcos.cn, TraceId=xxxxxxxxxxx}'}
because tencent cloud cos is use Virtual Hosted-Style as default for security reason and network performance, this is probably a reasonably good use way to set PROPERTY_S3_VIRTUAL_HOST_BUCKETS=true
such as in #15860
In latest AWS S3 userguide,Virtual Hosted-Style is more recommended.
otherwise,aliyun oss & tencent cos are compatible with S3 APIs. so we could simply this implementation. add a new Offload-Driver name "s3-compatible-storage" to offload data into all these s3-compatible-storages.
- set pure S3 offload provider use Virtual Hosted-Style as default
- simply and unify add a "s3-compatible-storage" offloader.
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