openwhisk-wskdeploy copied to clipboard
passing parameters between manifest and deploy.yml
basically have two triggers tied to same action, where i am trying to pass the inputs from triggers to the action. right now the action doesn't recognize the value of these trigger arguments.
followed the pattern on this site.
also this is what it says as far as my packages when i run "bx wsk package list"
packages /adam-johnson-sandbox_walmart-watering-dev/walmart_watering private /adam-johnson-sandbox_walmart-watering-dev/Bluemix_walmart-watering-dev-db_wsk private
can't attach yamls so stored in zip file the manifest and deploy.yml files
Once the trigger is defined as alarm type, the trigger inputs are not propagated to actions:
I modified manifest to:
feed: /whisk.system/alarms/alarm
name: string
place: string
children: integer
height: float
deployment to:
name: Elrond
place: Rivendell
children: 3
height: 1.88
cron: "0 7 29,30 6 *"
activation returns:
"result": {
"details": "You have 0 children and are 0 m. tall.",
"greeting": "Hello, from "
instead of:
"result": {
"details": "You have 3 children and are 1.88 m. tall.",
"greeting": "Hello, Elrond from Rivendell"
the same behavior is seen with wsk
wsk trigger create my-alarm-trigger-1 --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm --param name Priti --param place Home --param cron "* * * * *"
Creating rule:
wsk rule create my-rule-1 my-alarm-trigger-1 hello_world_package/hello_world_triggerrule
Fire trigger:
wsk trigger fire my-alarm-trigger-1
Result had no name and place assigned:
wsk activation get 1b150c7339ab4074950c7339ab40741a ... "result": {
"details": "You have 0 children and are 0 m. tall.",
"greeting": "Hello, from "
V/S Non Feed Trigger:
wsk trigger create my-no-alarm-trigger --param name Priti --param place Home
Creating rule with:
wsk rule create my-rule-2 my-no-alarm-trigger hello_world_package/hello_world_triggerrule
Fire trigger and check the result:
"details": "You have 0 children and are 0 m. tall.",
"greeting": "Hello, Priti from Home"
Confirmed with @beemarie that it does work through IBM Cloud Functions UI.
@pritidesai @beemarie
With alarm feed you need to use the parameter trigger_payload
For example:
wsk trigger create my-alarm-trigger-1 --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm --param cron "30 2 * * *" --param trigger_payload "{\"name\":\"Priti\",\"place\":\"Home\"}"
More info in the alarm docs:
thanks @csantanapr I talked to @dubee and tried the same with trigger_payload
without any success:
Trigger create with:
wsk trigger create locationUpdate --param name Odin --param place Asgard
Creates parameters under Parameters section in UI
But when I create alarm trigger with:
wsk trigger create periodic --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm --param cron "*/2 * * * *" --param trigger_payload "{\"name\":\"Odin\",\"place\":\"Asgard\"}"
doesnt show any parameters in UI
It does show payload on trigger with:
wsk trigger get periodic
"response": {
"result": {
"config": {
"cron": "*/2 * * * *",
"name": "periodic",
"namespace": "",
"payload": {
"name": "Odin",
"place": "Asgard"
the action should also show the trigger_payload. It will be under a param called payload
though just as it shows for trigger get.
@jasonpet nope action doesn't show such parameter, also, @dubee referenced couple of issues from CLI repo ...