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Apache OFBiz is an open source product for the automation of enterprise processes. It includes framework components and business applications for ERP, CRM, E-Business/E-Commerce, Supply Chain Manageme...
Improved: Have a service that retrieves the parties with a particular roleTypeId (OFBIZ-11712) added: getRolePartiesList function in groovy, to be called by service added: getRolePartiesList service, to be called by...
...selection field for available agree…ment(s)
(OFBIZ-5965) added: Screen and form widget to add a PartyRole to a party with life-span fields added: Screen and form widget to expire a PartyRole record added: request and view...
(OFBIZ-5959) added: description for the entity added: field fromDate, having fieldType = date-time added: field thruDate, having fieldType= date-time added: field fromDate to prim-key
(OFBIZ-11713) added: NewRequestRole form and screen removed: EditRequestRole from RequestRoles screen added: menu-item editRequest to RequestSubTabBar (from RequestTabBar) added: menu-itme addRequestRole to RequestSubTabBar reordered: menu-items in RequestTabBar
(OFBIZ-5991) added: fromDate field to AgreementRole entity added: thruDate field to AgreementRole entity added: fromDate field as part of the prim-key of AgreementEntity
renamed: scripts to init-gradle moved: location of init-gradle script for linux-type OSes improved: INSTALL doc regarding renamed scripts
(OFBIZ-11703) removed: to viewprofile
(OFBIZ-11431) EntityModel: Removing uomId, replaced with quantityUomId EntityModel: adjusted related foreign key mapping DemoData: adjusted invoice item records
Customization is a key aspect of the OFBiz (Open For Business) platform, providing businesses with a robust and adaptable base to customize their enterprise software solutions according to their unique...