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Apache OFBiz is an open source product for the automation of enterprise processes. It includes framework components and business applications for ERP, CRM, E-Business/E-Commerce, Supply Chain Manageme...
With the parameterization of the menu location, improvements to the createPlugin templates are warranted. added: StaticProperties.properties template SystemPropertyData.xml template modified: build.gradle - renamed 'minilang' folder to 'scripts', as minilang functions...
Improved: Implemented: Documented: Completed: Reverted: Fixed: (OFBIZ-) Explanation Thanks:
Fixed: OFBIZ-12940 Explanation "text" attribute on hyperlinks in forms should define the modal title when used in "layered-modal" mode. Code indicates this intention (OfbizUtil.js, HtmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl) but the makeHyperlinkString Freemarker macro...
Fixed: Afterlogin events are called during logout (OFBIZ-13114) Deleted the lines in LoginWorker::doBasicLogout that would cause these incorrect event calls.
Improved: * Update Apache PDFBox to 2.0.32 * Update Apache CXF Runtime JAX-RS Frontend to 3.6.4 * Update Asciidoctor Gradle Plugin to 4.0.2 * Update transitive dependency testng to 7.7.0...
Improved: createPartyRelationship service (OFBIZ-12765) The createPartyRelationship service now allows new relationships of the same parties if there are no conflicts in their period of validity.
When you define a drop-down field in xml form, add new optional level with group-options to organize options. Group-options can receive all options type : At this time only the...
* Movend lang package to util gradle project * Moved some classes * First road block: Debug needs UtilValidation, UtilProperties -> UtilCache -> Entity ... Explanation: The goal is to...
This improvement offer the possibility to use an url shortener to call ofbiz when it render an url. The origin requirement is to send by email an url to contact...
Second improvement on this functionality with increase the security by analyse each script to control the presence of potential code injection. The regexp to control is a property: security.deniedScriptletsTokens. If...