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nimble/ll/css: Add vs event to indicate slot change

Open andrzej-kaczmarek opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

If hci_vs support is enabled for CSS, an event will be sent every time slot chanes for a connection. Event is also sent after connection is created (after conn complete and csa events).

andrzej-kaczmarek avatar Aug 12 '22 11:08 andrzej-kaczmarek

Style check summary

Our coding style is here!


@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
 static int
 ble_ll_hci_vs_css_read_conn_slot(const uint8_t *cmdbuf, uint8_t cmdlen,
-                                uint8_t *rspbuf, uint8_t *rsplen)
+                                 uint8_t *rspbuf, uint8_t *rsplen)
     const struct ble_hci_vs_css_read_conn_slot_cp *cmd = (const void *)cmdbuf;
     struct ble_hci_vs_css_read_conn_slot_rp *rsp = (void *)rspbuf;

apache-mynewt-bot avatar Aug 19 '22 14:08 apache-mynewt-bot

added in

andrzej-kaczmarek avatar Aug 23 '22 14:08 andrzej-kaczmarek