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docs: Fix a few typos

Open timgates42 opened this issue 2 years ago • 9 comments

There are small typos in:

  • docs/python_docs/python/tutorials/getting-started/crash-course/
  • docs/static_site/src/pages/api/cpp/docs/tutorials/
  • example/


  • Should read specifying rather than specifieing.
  • Should read multi threaded rather than iultithreaded.
  • Should read provisioning rather than provisionning.

Semi-automated pull request generated by

timgates42 avatar Jul 13 '22 20:07 timgates42

Hey @timgates42 , Thanks for submitting the PR All tests are already queued to run once. If tests fail, you can trigger one or more tests again with the following commands:

  • To trigger all jobs: @mxnet-bot run ci [all]
  • To trigger specific jobs: @mxnet-bot run ci [job1, job2]

CI supported jobs: [edge, centos-gpu, unix-cpu, unix-gpu, centos-cpu, miscellaneous, windows-gpu, clang, website, windows-cpu, sanity]

Note: Only following 3 categories can trigger CI :PR Author, MXNet Committer, Jenkins Admin. All CI tests must pass before the PR can be merged.

mxnet-bot avatar Jul 13 '22 20:07 mxnet-bot

@mxnet-bot run ci ci/jenkins/mxnet-validation/centos-gpu,ci/jenkins/mxnet-validation/unix-gpu

timgates42 avatar Jul 14 '22 22:07 timgates42

Undefined action detected. Permissible actions are : run ci [all], run ci [job1, job2] Example : @mxnet-bot run ci [all] Example : @mxnet-bot run ci [centos-cpu, clang]

mxnet-bot avatar Jul 14 '22 22:07 mxnet-bot

@mxnet-bot run ci centos-gpu,unix-gpu

timgates42 avatar Jul 14 '22 22:07 timgates42

Undefined action detected. Permissible actions are : run ci [all], run ci [job1, job2] Example : @mxnet-bot run ci [all] Example : @mxnet-bot run ci [centos-cpu, clang]

mxnet-bot avatar Jul 14 '22 22:07 mxnet-bot

@mxnet-bot run ci [centos-gpu, unix-gpu]

timgates42 avatar Jul 14 '22 22:07 timgates42

Jenkins CI successfully triggered : [unix-gpu, centos-gpu]

mxnet-bot avatar Jul 14 '22 22:07 mxnet-bot

@mxnet-bot run ci [centos-gpu]

timgates42 avatar Jul 15 '22 23:07 timgates42

Jenkins CI successfully triggered : [centos-gpu]

mxnet-bot avatar Jul 15 '22 23:07 mxnet-bot