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Julia and more no longer supported

Open PallHaraldsson opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

PallHaraldsson avatar Oct 20 '21 18:10 PallHaraldsson

Hey @PallHaraldsson , Thanks for submitting the PR All tests are already queued to run once. If tests fail, you can trigger one or more tests again with the following commands:

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mxnet-bot avatar Oct 20 '21 18:10 mxnet-bot

I noticed julia directory gone (on master because a link to here stopped working) and took a while to track down why.

Am I mistaken, then DO NOT merge. Julia is in 1.9.x but not 2.x which isn't released yet.

I finally found: "remove scala, R, julia, perl bindings" in June commit from last year:

I do see some other Julia related commits, if I recall after that one, so it's possible I misunderstand, and even if not, you may want to postpone merging until 2.0 is released or change text to reflect support in older version of MXNET.

[It doesn't seem to bad for Julia, I was intrigued about MXNET support for Julia at the time (and for TensorFlow), and when merged by Apache. Still curious what the meaning of this is, why support dropped, it might affect the other languages more since Julia has its own Julia-only ML ecosystem by now.]

PallHaraldsson avatar Oct 20 '21 18:10 PallHaraldsson